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   日期:2016-11-29     来源:铝博士    浏览:4543    评论:0    

Porous Plugsa New Generation of Fluxing and Purging Technology

 in the Aluminium Industry!



Dipl. Ing. Reinhard Schwaiger

Marketing Department Non Ferrous metals

RHI AG – Non Ferrous Engineering GmbH

Some years ago, due to several misconceptions as, danger of leaking metal and gas, deterioration by Cl2 , easy irreversible blindness etc. to put a plug, which is porous into the bottom of a Aluminium furnace was nearly unthinkable. - To install more than a dozen of them in a molten metal furnace seemed to be impossible.

Necessity, however, is the mother of invention and persuasion.

When beginning to design work on the casting facilities of a Aluminium plant, some challenging fluxing and stirring goals for the furnaces had been established.

These goals were far beyond the capability of the standard handheld fluxing wands (lances) which had been used for so many years.





The goals were:


  • Improve fluxing quality提高搅拌质量
  • Decrease flux time by 50%降低搅拌气体耗时50%
  • Decrease Cl2% of flux gas减少搅拌气体中氯气的用量
  • Improve melt rate提高排气效率
  • Decrease emissions减少气体排放(包括有毒气体)
  • Pre-treatment of the metal实现金属预处理
  • Improve thermal homogenization大大改善热循环,炉内温度更加均匀和谐
  • Improve degassing efficiency提高熔解速率
  • Reduce of thermitting dross减少铝渣析出
  • Long life and Low maintenance耐用且维护费用极低
  • Reach across the whole melter?s bottom area搅拌幅度深达炉底

Porous plug technology offered the best opportunity to achieve these design goals. - A program to develop a practice for installing and applying plugs in Aluminium furnaces had been initiated.

Basically, porous plugs have been used in the industry for bubbling flux gas through molten aluminium baths for degassing and stirring. Early successes were realised in flux boxes and smaller applications. Serious attempts to apply the technology to furnaces were not made until the late 1980’s.


1.Description of the APA - Porous Plug design:


The latest Plug design is designated APA and is one of the largest porous plug designs manufactured by RHI.

The current design, shown in Figure 1, is comprised of a round reverse tapered porous refractory core (A) shrouded (shrieveld) by a metal can.(C) (Inconel or SS ) The can is continuous across the bottom of the plug and up the sides with gas tight welds. A metal (Inconel or SS) flux gas supply pipe (D) passes through and is welded to the can bottom and extends into the porous core material. Around this assembly is a refractory nest block (B) to serve as protection for the porous media and as an interface with the furnace bottom refractory.

A detached but very critical component of the plug is the external packing gland (E) which is welded at the furnace bottom. This unit provides a gas tight seal around the flux gas supply pipe when it exits the furnace bottom.




Fig. 1:  APA- AL-KIN PLUG Assembly

In operation, gas enters the plug assembly bottom via the supply pipe and disperses in the porous core.

The porous core of the plug is a pressed and fired Corundum - chrome material. The final shape is a dense, aluminium resistant unit with a texture much like that of a common high Alumina brick. The porous characteristic is derived from grain size engineering and pressing techniques.

The finished porous core is 330 mm deep which places its bottom below the freeze plane in most furnaces. The non-porous refractory liner, - the nest block is a high strength Corundum – Spinel   pre-cast and pre-fired shape.


成品多孔透气砖高330毫米,安装时底部将处于铝液冻结等温线平面以下。 - 非多孔耐火材料内衬,是一种高强度刚玉 - 尖晶石预制和预焙烧的成型的。


Fig. 2:  APA Plug  .APA透气砖实物照片

Additional, available Plug designs:






ACA (changeable )

  • Aluminium Melting and Holding furnaces


  • Aluminium Melting and Holding furnaces
  • Dosing furnaces; Foundry furnaces, Flux boxes


  • Ladles, Runners, Troughs; Flux boxes

2. Melter and Holder Plug Layouts:


2.1  Melters 熔炼炉

Customer Requirements - Melters : 客户要求:

  • Improved Melt Rate
  • Less Time required to achieve Alloy Chemistry
  • Pre-treatment of the metal
  • Reduction of dross build up
  • Low Maintenance
  • Reasonable Cost
  • Long Life



Fig. 3:  48 MT  Round Top Charge melter


Fig. 4:  Melter - Plug Installation Detail

Figure 3/4 show a 48 ton, top charging melter. The bath level of molten Aluminium is 650 mm deep and is equipped with 10 plugs arranged around the periphery. The purpose of the plugs in the melters is primarily to reduce dross build-up on the wall at the bath line, although the melter metallurgical practice requires a brief flux at alloys.

Some of the melters are equipped with electromagnetic stirrers mounted beneath the bottom steel. Though this device is intended primarily for stirring, it does an effective job of distributing the periphery plug bubbles to the bath interior.





2.2 Holders 保温炉

Customer Requirements - Holders : 客户要求:

  • Improved Degassing Efficiency
  • Improved Thermal Homogenisation
  • Less Dross
  • Low Maintenance
  • Low mechanical Damage of installed Refractories
  • Reasonable Cost
  • Long Life


Fig. 5:  130 MT


Fig. 6:  Holder (Tilter) Plug Installation Detail


Figure 5 shows a 130 ton  CASTER. The bath level is 1220 mm  deep and is equipped with 24 plugs arranged in 3 rows.


Fig. 7:  Holding furnace: 14 porous plugs in operation

3  Conclusions on Porous Plugs Performance




1.Excellent degassing tool

2.Operator friendly

3.Decreases fluxing time

4.Decreases CL2usage

5.Eliminates bath temperature stratification

6.Decreases thermitting dross

7.Generates less dross

8.Decreases emissions

9.Pre-treatment of the metal

10.Improve thermal homogenization

From years of operating experience, can be stated with a knowledgeable certainty that the above are credible conclusions for porous plugs applied to can stock alloys 3104 and 5182 as well as rigid container alloys.

Number 1 on importance list is the metal treatment quality being realised with the plugs. Tests have indicated hydrogen levels in the bath immediately following fluxing to be reduced up to 50% compared to levels achieved by standard fluxing wand practices. Particulate counts also appear to be improved despite significant reductions in settling times which had been implemented.


最总要的一点是透气砖提升了金属处理的质量。测试结果表明使用透气砖比起使用传统的插入式精炼喷枪将氢含量马上降低达50%。颗粒计数也出现改善,但在解决已实施的时间显著减少。操作和处理时间也相对减少, 因为操作透气砖只需要轻按按钮。


Fig. 8:  Typical pre-treatment results. Hydrogen concentration in melters


  16吨保温炉,12块透气砖通入100% 氩气,冶炼3003合金

Fig. 9:  fluxing results with porous plugs, 16 MT Holding furnace,

Alloy 3003, 12 Plugs 100% Argon, 30 min fluxing

16吨保温炉,12块透气砖通入100% 氩气,冶炼3003合金

The advent of porous plugs at Alloys Plants has allowed furnace fluxing to become a pushbutton operation. The operator sets the desired flux flow rate on the control screen, starts the flux and visually checks the appearance of the bath surface. He may choose to adjust the flow to an individual plug if the bubble appears incorrect. The flux continues for a pre-set duration, after which the flux is automatically terminated and the purge cycle is begun. This closed door fluxing practice allows the furnace fluxing to proceed with minimum levels of oxygen and moisture from the atmosphere entering the furnace.

The holder flux time significantly decreases while achieving greater fluxing quality performance. The porous plugs have allowed to reduce the fluxing time significantly compared to hand-held flux wands while lowering the chlorine content of the flux gas as well. The reduced CL2content and the more efficient fluxing bubble likewise reduce stack emissions from the holders with significantly lower amounts of free CL2 and particles.




Fig. 11:  Chlorine Emissions, Holding furnace (100 MT),

Total Gas Consumption per, flux : 18 litres


One of the most significant benefits of the plugs in the holding furnaces has been their capability to eliminate temperature stratification. A relatively uniform holder bath temperature is necessary for the casting process, and the deep holder bath (1220 mm) creates a problem in this area. As the burners fire, the surface temperature begins to rise while the temperature at the bottom of the bath may continue to fall until a spread of 10°C to 40°C or more exists. Figure 12 represents a period of holder operation and plots the upper and lower thermocouple temperatures through a firing and purge cycle. During this short purge, a temperature differential of 50°C was reduced to less than 5°C in less than five minutes without opening the furnace door. These readings were taken with 100 Ton of molten metal in the furnace.

保温炉透气砖的最显著的优点之一,在于它消除铝液温度分层。对于铸造来说,一个相对均匀统一熔池铝液温度在铸造过程中是必需的,然而较大的熔池深度(1220mm)给均匀温度带来了困难。由于燃烧器火焰直接加热到铝液的表面,表面温度开始上升,而在熔池底部的铝水由于底部散热,温度可能会下降,导致上下之间10° C至40° C的温差存在。图12所示,使用透气砖进行底吹精炼,在不到五分钟内,上下层液面的温差由50° C降低到小于5°,整个过程无需打开炉门。这些数据来自100吨熔化炉内熔化的金属。

100吨倾翻炉 通过24块透气砖,炉液面深度1220mm,热同步处理s

Fig. 12:  Thermal homogenisation, Tilter (100 MT), 

24 Plugs / 14 l / min each, metal depth 1220 mm

100吨倾翻炉 通过24块透气砖,炉液面深度1220mm,热同步处理

Possibly the most noticeable visual difference in porous plug versus wand fluxing is the amount of dross produced and the absence of thermitting dross. A study of dross generation performed by the RMC Manufacturing Technology Laboratory covering 14 cycles of 3104 alloy indicated an average dross generation of  0,7% of the molten charge weight during a complete holder cycle. Dross generation in holding furnaces with wand fluxing averaged more than twice (1,5%) and historically was a light thermitting dross which required mechanised cooling and provided poor recovery.



Fig. 13:  Dross Savings, 24 Plugs versus. 5 Lances


Dross from holding furnaces with plugs is generally a cold dross with an estimated recovery of 60% .The dross may be charged directly into Rotary Barrel furnaces. thermitting dross, even with high magnesium alloys, is virtually non-existent and allows discontinuation of mechanised cooling .

The singular basic difference is the existence of the porous plugs and the hourly purging practice. It follows that elimination of the thermiting dross is directly attributable to the porous plugs, the bath temperature uniformity realised with them, and the ability to flux with the furnace doors closed.

Good flow controls and purging practices are necessary to assure long-term use of porous plugs. A system which will feed either flux gas or nitrogen to a pneumatic flow control valve at a regulated pressure should be installed. Flow is measured via an orifice plate metering run with a differential pressure transmitter providing feedback to the control loop.



精确的流量控制对于达到长期良好的精炼效果至关重要。系统必须持续提供稳定而可控的气流量,不管炉内工作压力如何因为液面高低变化,气流量始终保持在设定值,不能波动。 这需要比例调节阀和流量测量形成的回路控制。

10 线气体控制柜

Fig. 14:  10 line Flow Control Panel with individual mass flow meter

10 线气体控制柜


Figure 15


Porous Plugs water models:


The improved quality may be explained by water modelling studies performed by the Reynolds metallurgical Laboratory(USA). Figure 16 depicts the currents created in a 1220 mm deep tank from the bubbling action of one plug mounted in the bottom. The model indicates the optimum flow for degassing to be approximately 12 - 14 l /min for a Model APA-20 plug. At this rate the bubble pattern is most stable and creates the least amount of surface disturbance. At higher flows, counter currents generated by the vertical column and surface disturbance can actually entrain gases and particles from the surface and draw them down into the bath.

雷诺兹冶金实验室(美国)的水模拟研究可以解释透气砖如何提高搅拌效果。图16显示了在1220毫米深的水箱底部安装一个插件可以透过压缩空气的透气砖。该模型表明,就一个型号APA- 20透气砖而已,除气精炼中最佳流量约12 - 14升/分钟。泡沫的图案表面,在这个流速是最稳定和使得表面扰动量最少的。如果继续调整到更高的流速,气泡变成垂直气柱和表面扰动所产生的反回流,会从表面的把铝渣和杂质重新带到铝液中。


Fig. 16:  Water Model Depiction of molten metal currents

4.Discussions of water models for porous plugs:


4.1  The process: 过程:

Inert Gas (mixed with Chlorine or pure ) is injected at the bottom of the porous  material, and enters the liquid metal in form of bubbles.

In the metal, the gas reacts with elements in the metal and induces the metal to flow.

The effectiveness of the reaction is determinated by the gas fluid interface and residence time of the bubbles in the melt. The effectiveness of the stirring action is determined by the interaction between the gas and the liquid phase. Therefore, the following parameters are of importance.



4.2  Gas flow regimes: 流谱曲线

Different regimes are observed for different gas flow rates, each with its own characteristics. For low gas flow rates, discrete bubbles form at the plug surface. At intermediate gas flow rates, the bubble frequency increases due to the fact that dormant pores in the plug get activated. Then, bubbles start to coalesce, become larger and eventually, the bubble pattern becomes completely chaotic.






Figure 17. Variation of bubble frequency as a function of gas flow rate

at various heights above the plug.





discrete bubbles



4.3  Gas fraction distribution: 气泡分布:

From water model experiments it is known that the gas fraction within the plume is bell shaped for all regimes. Increasing the gas flow rate widens the gas fraction profile and the gas fractions become larger. As an indication the data described in (1) where watermodel experiments on a 60 mm diameter porous element in a liquid bath of 400 mm water. For the discrete bubble pattern the fraction is found to be 0.4 close to the plug and decreases to 0.05 close to the surface. The gas fraction for different heights can be formulated as.



? = 0,71 ( z/ ([Q2/ g ]0,2))0,9

4.4   Bubble frequency: 气泡数量:

In characterising the interfacial area between melt and gas, the bubble frequency within the plume is an important parameter. For the discrete bubble pattern the bubble frequency lies in the order of 100 Hz close to the plug. Close to the surface, the bubble frequency decreases to 10 Hz. The development of the bubble frequency as a function of the gas flow rate is shown in Figure 1. Increasing the gas flow rate initially causes the bubble frequency to increase, activating dormant pores. But for higher frequencies, the bubble frequency reaches a maximum. A further increase of gas flow causes the bubbles to coalesce to larger bubbles, thus reducing the bubble frequency and also reducing the interfacial area.


离散式不连续气泡模型下,气泡离开透气砖编码时频率为100Hz,频率随着气体流速增加的变化曲线如 图17 所示: 增加流速一开始可以增加气泡频率,把原来处于休眠状态不工作的孔激活到工作状态,更多气泡冒出。但如果想通过增加流速达到更高的气泡频率,我们发现气泡频率达到一个最大值。再继续加大气体流速只会使得气泡变得无序,然后那些靠近的气泡会融为一体成一个大气泡。这只会降低气泡频率从而减少气体和铝业的总接触面。

4.5  Bubble velocity: 气泡上升速度:

A large bubble residence time in the melt can be necessary for a good reaction between gas and melt. Therefore, the bubble rise velocity is of importance.

Increasing the gas flow rate from the discrete bubble to intermediate regime causes an increase in bubble rising velocity. This indicates that the interaction between bubbles becomes important. Increasing Q = 0.72 m? /hr to Q = 2,16 m? /hr gives an increase from 1.05 m/s to 2.07 m/s. Towards the surface these velocities become 0.7 m/s and 1.2 m/s. once coalescence is established, the bubble rising velocity decreases.


当增加通过透气砖的气体流速,从离散式气泡到中等流速气泡会使得气泡上升的 速度加快。这表明气泡与气泡之间的相互结合很重要。总流速从Q = 0.72 m? /小时增加到Q = 2,16 m? /小时后,相应的,气泡上升速度从1.05米/秒 上升至2.07米/秒。临近铝液表面时,以上速度分别降至0.7 米/秒 和1.2 米/秒,一旦紊流状态形成,气泡的上升速度又将降低。

4.6  Bubble size distribution: 气泡体积分布:

For the discrete bubble pattern, the bubble size is constant over different liquid heights. For the intermediate and higher gas flow rates the bubble diameter decreases towards the surface. The later is mainly caused by large coalescence close to the plug and break-up towards the surface.



4.7  Liquid velocity: 液体的速率:

The liquid velocity is symmetric towards the wall. Values in (1) are 0.3 m/s for the discrete bubble pattern (where bubble rising velocities are 0.7 m/s).


4.8  Surface behaviour:

The higher the gas flow rates, the higher the impact of the disengaging bubbles on the surface of the liquid. This effect is of course also caused by the size of the bubbles due to coalescence.

气体流速越高, 有越多的气泡在液表面分解并对铝液表面形成更大的冲击,同时气体气泡体积增大也加剧了液表面的波动。

4.9  Optimising the process 过程优化

In order to optimise the process, several aspects of the process must be considered and compromises might have to taken. A three step route is essential in optimising this process.



1. scaling of process 定标过程

2. measurements 观察并测量效果

3. validation of result 确认反馈

For the investigation on how the gas flow rate influences the different parameters, a watermodel can be used. However, this model should generate the same process or generate results that have a clear relationship with the real process. Then the proper data should be measured and finally the results should be checked with the real process.


4.10 Scaling the process: 定标法则

The translation of the Argon-Aluminium system to the air-water system must be carried out according certain scaling rules (2). For example: the density differences and related pressure drop over the liquid layer must be scaled correctly. Also the wettability of the porous plug must be taken into account for a proper modelling of the bubble formation. Some results will be shown on how the scaling rules effect the process.

Vacuum pressure is required to account for the density differences and related pressure drop over the liquid layer. This is clarified into more detail in Appendix I .


4.11 Wettability: 湿润性

Others have reported about water model experiments that have demonstrated quite different behaviour of the bubbles and flow pattern of water when the wetability was changed (3). Aluminium does not wet the porous plugs. Because water wets the porous plugs, special precautions must be taken. The plug was made non-wettable with grease


4.12 Experimental set-up: 建立模型:

A rectangular water model (dimensions: 1m x 1m x 1m) was built. In the model a porous plug from the cast-house was mounted. Because the construction of a scaled plug is difficult, a real plug is used. In the actual furnace, multiple porous plugs are used. On average there is one porous plug on each square meter, which justifies the choice of the water model dimensions.


According to the scaling laws for multiphase flow, the model should be operated under an absolute pressure of 0.2 bar and a water temperature of 60°C. Due to mechanical problems the correct scaling could not completely be implemented. The pressure is reduced to 0.5 bar absolute pressure and the water temperature is not elevated because it was expected that the high temperatures would soften the seals. However, the present results show there already is a significant difference in the results at normal pressure and proves that a different means of scaling results in a different process. From experiments on a single nozzle it is known that increasing the temperature will result in slightly smoother bubbles with a more evenly distributed bubble size. This should also be the case in the liquid aluminium.

根据定标法则,在多种流速底吹下的,透气砖出气的工作压力(绝对压力)为0.2 Bar,



In furnace operation, the gas flow rate is in between 0.3 m? /hr up to 0.6 m? /hr at a temperature of approximately 800°C. For the scaled water situation, the gas flow rate will be a factor 3,6 higher and thus vary from 1.08 m? /hr up to 2,16 m? /hr. We have taken measurements from 0.3 m? /hr up to 2,4 m? /hr.

在实际应用中,当炉内温度为800度时,气流速度保持在0.3 m? /小时 到 0.6 m? /小时之间,对于用水做定标缩放实验的条件下,气体流量将乘以影响放大因素3.6??,因而流速范围应在1.08立方米/小时到2,16立方米/小时。我们测量从0.3立方米/小时至2.4立方米/小时之间的流谱。

4.13 Measurement techniques:

For the present study, visualisations are performed by using standard digital video equipment. With this method, different regimes in the flow patterns can easily be characterised. Additionally, an ultrasonic velocimeter was used for measurements of the fluid velocity thereby characterising the stirring action.


5 Results & Discussion


Wettability: 湿润性:

In Figure 4 the difference in the bubble formation process between a wettable and non wettable plug is shown. The close-ups of the plug in the top two photographs clearly shows the significant increase of bubble size for non wettable plugs. This can be explained by the bottom pictures. Because the liquid is not wettable to the plug, the gas phase will ‘wet’ the wall and large bubbles will form.

The resulting bubble plumes are also different. The plume narrows half way the liquid level indicating a larger liquid entrainment and thus a larger liquid displacement.




Figure 18




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