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   日期:2015-12-19     来源:网络    浏览:1874    评论:0    

Understanding the Extrusion Press as the Conversion Point, 

Part 3:  Case Study – Billet Taper Quench



David Jenista, Granco Clark, Inc

David Jenista


In our 2010 paper to the Guangdong Extruder Conference, we discussed the extrusion press as the conversion point of the extrusion process.  The value added is converting billet to profile at the press.  In 2012 we used the Hot Log Saw as a case study.  In this paper we use the Billet Taper Quench as a case study of this concept, showing the benefit of longer billets and how to optimize production with long billets.



In 2010 paper, we provided the following summary of the financial considerations associated with the extrusion plant:

1.There is a large cost associated with owning a press line.  This cost falls on the PROFILE because the profile has the added value.

2.There is an operating cost for the extrusion department that also falls on the profile, because the profile is the only source of revenue.  So the profile yield is very important to maximize the economic result.

3.The cost of the other departments and the company profit is also covered by the profile selling price.  This cost may be more than the entire cost of the extrusion department (#1 and #2 above).

4.Decisions must be focused on the maximum shippable Kg/Hr to spread all of the cost over the most products.







For direct extrusion presses, temperature tapering of the billet can provide significant increase in press speed without reducing profile quality and in some cases improving profile quality.


Taper heating of the billet with an electric induction billet heater is a common practice, but the equipment is not easily and accurately adjustable for different profiles and billet lengths.   import suppliers of electric induction heaters can provide a precision gradient but these units are very expensive to purchase.


Electric cost causes many extruders to choose gas heating.  The benefits of gas heating can be combined with the Billet Taper Quench to provide billets with a precise temperature taper.


The Granco Clark Billet Taper Quench provides accurate temperature tapering with adjustment from the operator console.



Figure 1.Taper Quench processing a billet

图1 梯度水冷处理短锭


The direct extrusion press design is the most popular design because it is simple to produce, operate and maintain.  The continuous extrusion model with welding dies functions well with puller systems and other automated handling equipment. 


But the direct extrusion press has a thermodynamic problem.  At the beginning of the cycle, the aluminum in the press container is too cold and at the end of the cycle the aluminum is too hot.  The temperature change is caused by the friction in the container and the flow stress of the aluminum.  The result is the aluminum is difficult to push through the die at the beginning of the cycle and the extrusion speed must be reduced at the back of the billet to prevent defects.


Extruders are always seeking ways to improve production capacity.  One method that extrusion press suppliers can offer is a press with a longer container.  The longer container increases the ratio of live-cycle-time to dead-cycle-time, increasing the production capacity of the press.  Twenty years ago the standard for maximum billet length from most extrusion press manufacturers was 400% of the billet diameter.  For example, a press designed to process a 178mm billet would have a container that was 710mm long.  Now imported extrusion presses will have containerswith billet lengths that are 500% or greater.  It is common to see a specification for a 950–1000mm long container for 178mm billet.


This change is good for increasing the productive time of the press but it increases the natural thermodynamic problem with the direct extrusion press.  The longer billet results in more container friction and increased heating of the back of the billet.  So the benefit of tapered billets is even greater with a modern imported extrusion press.


With an imported extrusion press, the extrusion speed increase will be 20% to 30% for many profiles.  In our testing we found that the most difficult profiles will give the largest increase in speed.Many profiles with thin walls using industrial alloys will have speed increases much greater than 30%.


When combined with a Granco Clark “Hot Jet” gas furnace, this taper quench solution is less expensive to purchase and lower cost to operate than an imported electric induction heater with precision taper heating.


The Granco Clark Taper Quench has the following features and specifications:

The Taper Quench is located after the billet furnace and before the press loader.

The unit provides temperature gradients of up to 140C0.

The variation of the taper is less than 10C0.

The operator can select which portion of the billet will be tapered.

Quench does not limit the throughput of the system.



梯度水冷可提供了高达140 C0的温度梯度。

梯度变化范围在10 C0之内。




The most important economic issue is the higher production rate.  The added benefits of reduced profile defects and protecting the extrusion die from overheating are not calculated in this financial analysis.


This is an example of the calculation for the costs of profile production:

Profile cost per ton:

The cost of profile productionis from the 2010 Conference paper.  The profile cost is dependent on production rate, so our assumptionwill be 1.2 ton/hr and 6000 hr/yr production time.In the 2010 conference paper, our sample showed the cost of ownership was RMB 1200/hr, the cost of overhead was RMB 660/hr, the cost of operation was RMB 1000/hr.

1.Cost of ownership:  RMB 1200/hr÷ 1.2 ton/hr = RMB 1000/ton

2.Cost of overhead:  RMB 660/hr÷ 1.2 ton/hr=  RMB 550/ton

3.Cost of operation: RMB 1000hr÷1.2 ton/hr = RMB 833/ton

Total Cost: RMB 2383/ton




1.生产线投资成本: 1200 元/ 小时÷1.2吨/小时 = 1000元/吨

2.间接成本: 660元/ 小时÷1.2吨/小时=  550元/吨

3.运营成本: 1000元/ 小时 ÷ 1.2吨/小时=   833元/吨

总计:2383元/ 吨

Please note that this cost is the cost if the factory has excess capacity.  If the factory production is full then the cost must also include the cost of lost sales.  Studies have shown that this cost will be 2 to 3times greater because the entire gross margin of the value added in all departments is lost when the order is lost.


In this example, if the Taper Quenchimprovesthe net press throughput by 15% then the resulting cost per ton would be:

1.Cost of ownership: RMB 1200/hr ÷ 1.38ton/hr = RMB 870/ton

2.Cost of overhead:   RMB 660/hr ÷  1.38 ton/hr=  RMB 478/ton

3.Cost of operation:  RMB 1000/hr ÷ 1.38ton/hr =  RMB 725/ton

Total Cost: RMB 2073/ton


1.生产线投资成本:1200 元/ 小时 ÷ 1.38吨/小时 = 870 元/吨

2.间接成本:660 元/ 小时 ÷ 1.38吨/小时 = 478元/吨

3.运营成本: 1000 元/ 小时 ÷ 1.38吨/小时 = 725元/吨

总计:2073 元/ 吨

The example result is a RMB 310/ton (RMB 2383/ton – RMB 2073/ton) cost reduction.  If the three year production is 24,840 tons (6000hr/yr╳1.38 ton/hr╳ 3yr) then the payback for the taper quench is RMB 7,700,000.

例题的结果是每吨型材可降低成本310元(2383元/ 吨-2073元/ 吨)。如果3年的生产是24,840吨(6000小时/年╳1.38吨/小时╳3年),那么梯度水冷的投资回收将是770万元。

The calculation for each company and each factory will be different, but the example above can be used as the template to make the calculation for the individual situation.


The extrusion press is a valuable resource and highshippable kg/hr is required to achieve financial success.  This must be considered in all equipment and process decisions.



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