推广 热搜: 电解铝  铝合金  阳极氧化  热处理  氧化  工艺  铝及铝合金  技术  铝土矿  铝材加工 


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核心提示: 编号 中文名称 英文名称
编号 中文名称 英文名称
2SP 68 to 2SP 71-1973 铝和铝合金100度精密埋头铆钉规范 Specification for 100 countersunk precision head aluminium and aluminium alloy rivets
BS 1133-21-1991 包装规程.第21节:再生纤维素薄膜,塑料薄膜,铝箔,挠性多层板和金属化材料 Packaging code - Regenerated cellulose film, films made of plastics, aluminium foil, flexible multilayer structures and metallized materials
BS 1139-1.2-1990 金属脚手架.第1部分:管.第2节:铝管规范 Metal scaffolding - Tubes - Specification for aluminium tube
BS 1139-2.2-1991 金属脚手架.第2部分:联接件.第2节:管式脚手架钢和铝联接件、配件和附件规范 Metal scaffolding - Couplers - Specification for steel and aluminium couplers, fittings and accessories for use in tubular scaffolding
BS 1161-1977 结构用铝合金型材规范 Specification for aluminium alloy sections for structural purposes
BS 1202-3-1974 钉子规范.第3部分:铝钉 Specification for nails - Aluminium nails
BS 1473-1972 一般工程用可锻铝和铝合金规范.铆钉、螺栓和螺钉坯料 Specification for wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes - rivet, bolt and screw stock
BS 1683-1987 已加工乳酪包装用铝箔规范 Specification for coated aluminium foil for wrapping processed cheese
BS 1728-1-1951 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第1部分:铜的测定 Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of copper
BS 1728-10-1957 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第10部分:锰的测定(吸收测量法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of manganese (absorptiometric method)
BS 1728-11-1960 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第11部分:硅的测定(过氯酸法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of silicon (perchloric acid method)
BS 1728-12-1961 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第12部分:硅的测定(钼蓝吸收测定法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of silicon (absorptiometric molybdenum blue method)
BS 1728-14-1965 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第14部分:镍的测定(重量法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of nickel (gravimetric method)
BS 1728-15-1966 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第15部分:镍的测定(光度测量法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of nickel (photometric method)
BS 1728-16-1968 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第16部分:铬的测定(光度测量法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of chromium (photometric method)
BS 1728-17-1968 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第17部分:铬的测定(容量法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of chromium (volumetric method)
BS 1728-18-1970 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第18部分:锌的测定(EDTA离子交换容量法或极谱法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of zinc (ion-exchange-volumetric EDTA or polarographic method)
BS 1728-19-1971 铝与铝合金的分析方法.镁的测定(原子吸收法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of magnesium (atomic absorption method)
BS 1728-1971 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第19部分:镁的测定(原子吸收法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys. Determination of magnesium (atomic absorption method)
BS 1728-20-1971 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第20部分:铅的测定(原子吸收法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of lead (atomic absorption method)
BS 1728-21-1973 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第21部分:锌(原子吸收法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Zinc (atomic absorption method)
BS 1728-22-1972 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第22部分:镁的测定(CDTA容量法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of magnesium (volumetric CDTA method)
BS 1728-23-1976 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第23部分:铜(原子吸收法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Copper (atomic absorption method)
BS 1728-24-1976 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第24部分:镍(原子吸收法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Nickel (atomic absorption method)
BS 1728-25-1980 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第25部分:钛(变色酸分光光度法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Titanium (spectrophotometric chromotropic acid method)
BS 1728-5-1953 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第5部分:铜的测定(吸收测量法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of copper (absorptiometric method)
BS 1728-6-1955 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第6部分:铁的测定(容量分析:氯化亚钛法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of iron (volumetric: titanous chloride method)
BS 1728-8-1957 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第8部分:铁的测定(1:10菲咯啉吸收测量法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of iron (absorptiometric 1:10-phenanthroline method)
BS 1728-9-1957 铝与铝合金的分析方法.第9部分:锰的测定(容量分析:亚砷酸盐/亚硝酸盐法) Methods for the analysis of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Determination of manganese (volumetric: arsenite/nitrite method)
BS 1748 Pts.1-5-1961 铜合金分析方法.第1部分至第5部分:铜合金中铜、铅、铁、铝和镍的测定方法 Methods for the analysis of copper alloys - Methods for the determination of copper, lead, iron, aluminium and nickel in copper alloys
BS 1902-9.1-1987 耐火材料试验方法.第9部分:化学分析仪法.第1节:硅酸铝耐火材料X射线荧光分析法 Methods of testing refractory materials - Chemical analysis by instrumental methods - Analysis of alumino-silicate refractories by X-ray fluorescence
BS 1974-1953 铝合金大铆钉(标称直径1/2英寸至1英寸)规范 Specification for large aluminium alloy rivets (1/2 in. to 1 in. nominal diameters)
BS 2000-377-1995 石油及石油产品试验方法.第377部分:石油产品.燃料油中铝和硅的含量测定.电感耦合等离子体发散和原子吸收光 Methods of test for petroleum and its products - Petroleum products - Determination of aluminium and silicon in fuel oils - Inductively coupled plasma emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy methods
BS 2037-1994 便携式铝制梯子、踏板、栈桥和轻型工作架规范 Specification for portable aluminium ladders, steps, trestles and lightweight stagings
BS 215-1-1970 架空电力传输用铝线和钢芯铝线规范.第1部分:铝绞股导线 Specification for aluminium conductors and aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced for overhead power transmission - Aluminium stranded conductors
BS 215-2-1970 架空电力传输用铝线和钢芯铝线规范.第2部分:钢芯铝线 Specification for aluminium conductors and aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced for overhead power transmission - Aluminium conductors, steel-reinforced
BS 2627-1970 电工用锻铝规范.线材 Specification for wrought aluminium for electrical purposes - Wire
BS 2649-3-1988 玻璃分析方法.第3部分:氧化钾一氧化铝-硅石类玻璃 Methods for analysis of glass - Glasses of the potassium oxide-lead oxide-silica type
BS 2897-1970 电气用锻铝.带拉拔或轧制边的带材 Specification for wrought aluminium for electrical purposes - Strip with drawn or rolled edges
BS 2A 175-1962 飞行器用100°埋头铝合金螺栓(统一螺纹)规范 Specification for 100 ° countersunk head aluminium alloy bolts (Unified threads) for aircraft
BS 2A 29-1962 飞行器用铝合金六角螺母(B.A和B.S.F螺纹)(普通和开槽的)规范 Specification for aluminium alloy hexagonal nuts (B.A and B.S.F. threads) (ordinary and slotted) for aircraft
BS 2A 61-1962 飞行器用铝合金制六角头螺栓(B.A和B.S.F螺纹)规范 Specification for aluminium alloy hexagonal headed bolts (B.A. and B.S.F. threads) for aircraft
BS 2B 27-2002 铜锌铝镍硅合金管材 Copper-zinc-aluminium-nickel-silicon alloy tube
BS 2G 215-1-1985 飞机镍-铬和镍-铝热电偶延伸电缆.第1部分:导线规范 Nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminium thermocouple extension cables for aircraft - Specification for conductors
BS 2G 215-2-1989 飞机镍-铬和镍-铝热电偶延伸电缆.第2部分:终端规范 Nickel-chromium and nickel-aluminium thermocouple extension cables for aircraft - Specification for terminations
BS 2HC 203-1989 镍-铬-铝-钼-铌合金铸件规范(镍基铬13.0、铝6.0、钼4.5、铌2.3) Specification for nickel-chromium-aluminium-molybdenum-niobium alloy castings (Nickel base Cr 13.0, Al 6.0, Mo 4.5, Nb 2.3)
BS 2HC 204-1989 镍-钴-铬-铝-钛-钼合金铸件规范(镍基钴15.0、铬10.0、铝5.5、钛4.8、钼3.0) Specification for nickel-cobalt-chromium-aluminium-titanium-molybdenum alloy castings (Nickel base Co 15.0, Cr 10.0, Al 5.5, Ti 4.8, Mo 3.0)
BS 2HC 207-1989 镍-钴-钨-铬-铝-钽-铪-钛合金铸件规范(镍基钴10.0、钨10.0、铬9.0、铝5.5、钽25、铪1.5、钛1.5) Specification for nickel-cobalt-tungsten-chromium-aluminium-tantalum-hafnium-titanium alloy castings (Nickel base Co 10.0, W 10.0, Cr 9.0, Al 5.5, Ta 2.5, Hf 1.5, Ti 1.5)
BS 2HC 208-1989 镍-钴-钨-铬-铝-钼-钛-钽合金铸件规范(镍基Co 10.0、W 10.0、Cr 9.0、Al 5.5、Mo 2.5、Ti 1.5、Ta 1.5) Specification for nickel-cobalt-tungsten-chromium-aluminium-molybdenum-titanium-tantal um alloy castings (nickel base Co 10.0, W 10.0, Cr 9.0, Al 5.5, Mo 2.5, Ti 1.5, Ta 1.5)
BS 2HC 209-1989 低碳、沉淀硬化镍-铬-铝-钼-铌合金铸件规范(镍基铬11.5、铝6.0、钼4.0、铌2.0) Specification for low carbon, precipitation hardening nickel-chromium-aluminium-molybdenum-niobium alloy castings (Nickel base Cr 11.5, Al 6.0, Mo 4.0, Nb 2.0)
BS 2HC 210-1989 镍-钨-铝-铬-钼合金铸件规范(镍基钨10.5、铝6.0、铬6.0、钼2.0) Specification for nickel-tungsten-aluminium-chromium-molybdenum alloy castings (Nickel base W 10.5, Al 6.0, Cr 6.0, Mo 2.0)
BS 2HC 211-1989 镍-铬-钴-钼-铝钛合金铸件规范(镍基铬15.5、钴10.0、钼8.3、铝4.2、钛3.6) Specification for nickel-chromium-cobalt-molybdenum-aluminium-titanium alloy castings (Nickel base Cr 15.5, Co 10.0, Mo 8,3, Al 4.2, Ti 3.6)
BS 2HR 1-1973 镍-铬-钛铝耐热合金坯锭、棒材、锻件和部件(镍基、Cr 19.5、Ti 2.2、Al 1.4)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy billets, bars, forgings and parts (nickel base, Cr 19.5, Ti 2.2, Al 1.4)
BS 2HR 2-1973 镍-铬-钛-铝耐热合金坯锭、棒材、锻件和部件(镍基、Cr 19.5、Co18.0、Ti25、Al 1.5)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-cobalt-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy billets, bars, forgings and parts (nickel base, Cr 19.5, Co 18.0, Ti 2.5, Al 1.5)
BS 2HR 201-1974 镍-铬-钛-铝耐热合金板材、薄板材和带材(镍基、Cr19.5、Ti2.2、Al1.4)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy plate, sheet and strip (nickel base, Cr 19.5, Ti 2.2, Al 1.4)
BS 2HR 401-1973 冷加工和软化的无缝镍铬钛铝耐热合金管(镍基、Cr 19.5、Ti 2.2、Al 1.4)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy cold worked and softened seamless tubes (nickel base, Cr 19.5, Ti 2.2, Al 1.4)
BS 2HR 501-1973 弹簧用冷拉固溶热处理的镍铬钴钛铝耐热合金线材(镍基、Cr19.5、Co18.0、Ti2.5、Al 1.5)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-cobalt-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy cold drawn wire for springs (nickel base, Cr 19.5, Co 18.0, Ti 2.5, Al 1.5)
BS 2HR 502-1973 弹簧用冷拉和固溶热处理的镍铬钴钛铝耐热合金线材(镍基、Cr19.5、Co18.0、Ti2.5、Al 1.5)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-cobalt-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy cold drawn and solution heat treated wire for springs (nickel base, Cr 19.5, Co 18.0, Ti 2.5, Al 1.5)
BS 2HR 503-1973 螺纹垫圈(直径0.45mm-2mm)用镍铬钴钛铝耐热合金线材(镍基、Cr19.5、Co18.0、Ti2.5、Al 1.5)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-cobalt-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy wire for thread inserts (0.45 mm to 2 mm diameter) (nickel base, Cr 19.5, Co 18.0, Ti 2.5, Al 1.5)
BS 2L 169-2002 铝-硅-镁合金(Si 7、Mg 0.6)(溶解处理和人工老化的)铸锭和铸件 Ingots (as cast) and castings (solution treated and artificially aged) of aluminium-silicon-magnesium alloy (Si 7, Mg 0. 6)
BS 2L 503-1973 镁-铝(6)-锌(1.0)合金管规范 Specification for tube of magnesium-6% aluminium-zinc alloy (Al 6.0, Zn 1.0)
BS 2L 77-1971 铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.7)-锰(0.8)合金锻坯和锻件的规范(溶解和沉淀处理) Specification for forging stock and forgings of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.7, Mn 0.8)
BS 2L 83-1971 铝-铜(2)-镍(1)-镁(1)-铁(0.9)-硅(0.9)合金锻坯、棒材、挤压型材和锻件规范(溶解处理和沉淀处理) Specification for forging stock, bars, extruded sections and forgings of aluminium-copper-nickel-magnesium-iron-silicon alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (Cu 2, Ni 1, Mg 1, Si 0.9, Fe 0.9)
BS 2L 85-1971 铝-铜(1.5)-硅(1)和镁(0.8)合金锻坯、棒材、挤压型材和锻件规范(溶解处理和沉淀处理) Specification for forging stock, bars, extruded sections and forgings of aluminium-copper-silicon-magnesium alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (Cu 1.5, Si 1, Mg 0.8)
BS 2L 87-1971 用于制造螺母、联轴节和机加工中空零部件的铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.7)-锰(0.8)合金六角棒材规范(固溶处理 Specification for hexagonal bars for nuts, couplings and hollow machined parts of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (free from peripheral and asymmetric coarse grain) (not less than 14 mm nor more than 36 mm across flats) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.7, Mn 0.8)
BS 2L 93-1971 铝-铜-镁-硅-锰合金板规范(溶解处理、受控拉伸和沉淀处理)(Cu 4.4、Mg 0.5、Si 0.7、Mn 0.8) Specification for plate of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated, controlled stretched and precipitation treated) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.7, Mn 0.8)
BS 2L 95-1971 铝-锌(5.8)-镁(2.5)-铜(1.6)-铬(0.15)合金板规范(溶解处理、控制拉伸和沉淀处理) Specification for plate of aluminium-zinc-magnesium-copper-chromium alloy (solution treated, controlled stretched and precipitation treated) (Zn 5.8, Mg 2.5, Cu 1.6, Cr 0.15)
BS 2L 97-1971 铝-铜(4.4)-镁(1.5)-锰(0.6)合金中厚板材规范(固溶处理,室温时效:控制拉伸) Specification for plate of aluminium-copper-magnesium-manganese alloy (solution treated, controlled stretched and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4.4, Mg 1.5, Mn 0.6)
BS 2L 98-1971 铝-铜(4.4)-镁(1.5)-锰(0.6)合金板规范(溶解处理、室温时效:不控制拉伸的) Specification for plate of aluminium-copper-magnesium-manganese alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature: not controlled stretched) (Cu 4.4, Mg 1.5, Mn 0.6)
BS 2L 99-1972 铝-硅(7)-镁(0.3)合金铸锭和铸件规范(固溶处理和沉淀处理) Specification for ingots and castings of aluminium-silicon-magnesium alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (Si 7, Mg 0.3)
BS 2SP 148-150-1979 铝合金统一垫圈规范 Specification for Unified aluminium alloy washers
BS 2SP 77 to 2SP 80-1973 圆头形铝和铝合金铆钉规范 Specification for snap head aluminium and aluminium alloy rivets
BS 2SP 83 to 85-1973 菌形头铝合金铆钉规范 Specification for mushroom head aluminium alloy rivets
BS 2TA 10-1974 钛铝钒合金薄板材规范(抗拉强度960-1270MPa) Specification for sheet of titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (tensile strength 960-1270 MPa)
BS 2TA 11-1974 机加工用钛铝钒合金棒材和型材规范(抗拉强度900-1160MPa)(限定等圆断面150mm) Specification for bar and section for machining of titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (tensile strength 900-1160 MPa) (limiting ruling section 150 mm)
BS 2TA 12-1974 钛铝钒合金锻坯规范(抗拉强度900-1160MPa)(限定等圆断面150mm) Specification for forging stock of titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (tensile strength 900-1160 MPa) (limiting ruling section 150 mm)
BS 2TA 13-1974 钛铝钒合金锻件规范(抗拉强度900-1160MPa)(限定等圆断面150mm) Specification for forgings of titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (tensile strength 900-1160 MPa) (limiting ruling section 150 mm)
BS 2TA 28-1974 钛铝钒合金锻坯和线材规范(抗拉强度1100-1300MPa)(限定等圆断面20mm)(主要供加工符合英国标准A系列要求的紧 Specification for forging stock and wire of titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (tensile strength 1100-1300 MPa) (limiting ruling section 20 mm) (primarily intended for the manufacture of fasteners complying with the requirements of the 'A' series of British Standards)
BS 3083-1988 普通热浸涂锌和热浸涂铝/锌波纹薄钢板规范 Specification for hot-dip zinc coated and hot-dip aluminium/zinc coated corrugated steel sheets for general purposes
BS 3313-1-1968 奶制品容器用包覆铝箔和铝带规范.第1部分:玻璃容器用包覆铝箔 Specification for aluminium capping foil and strip for dairy product containers - Aluminium capping foil for glass containers
BS 3338-18-1966 锡及锡合金取样及分析方法.第18部分:焊料及轴承用白合金中铝含量测定方法(光度测定法) Methods for the sampling and analysis of tin and tin alloys - Method for the determination of aluminium in solders and white metal bearing alloys (photometric method)
BS 3338-2-1961 锡及锡合金取样及分析方法.第2部分:锡锭中锡含量测定方法(铝还原法) Methods for the sampling and analysis of tin and tin alloys - Method for the determination of tin in ingot tin (aluminium reduction method)
BS 3727-1-1966 电子管和电子阀用镍的分析方法.第1部分:铝含量测定(光度测量法) Methods for the analysis of nickel for use in electronic tubes and valves - Determination of aluminium (photometric method)
BS 388-1972 铝颜料规范 Specification for aluminium pigments
BS 3907-1-1965 镁和镁合金分析方法.第1部分:镁合金中铝含量测定(重量法) Methods for the analysis of magnesium and magnesium alloys - Determination of aluminium in magnesium alloys (gravimetric method)
BS 3907-12-1971 镁和镁合金分析方法.第12部分:铝含量测定(光度测量法) Methods for the analysis of magnesium and magnesium alloys - Determination of aluminium in magnesium and magnesium alloys (photometric method)
BS 3987-1991 建筑物外部装饰用锻铝的阳极氧化物覆层规范 Specification for anodic oxidation coatings on wrought aluminium for external architectural applications
BS 3988-1970 电气用锻铝规范.绝缘电缆用实芯导线 Specification for wrought aluminium for electrical purposes - Solid conductors for insulated cables
BS 3A 107-1962 飞行器用铝合金螺母(统一六角形和统一螺纹)(普通和开槽的)规范 Specification for aluminium alloy nuts (Unified hexagons and Unified threads) (ordinary and slotted) for aircraft
BS 3A 171-1962 飞行器铝合金盘头螺栓(统一螺纹)规范 Specification for aluminium alloy pan head bolts (Unified threads) for aircraft
BS 3HR 601-1989 紧固件制造用(最大直径或小截面尺寸为30mm)镍-铬-钛-铝耐热合金棒材和线材(镍基铬19.5、钛2.2、铝1.4)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy bar and wire for the manufacture of fasteners (maximum diameter or minor sectional dimension 30 mm) (nickel base Cr 19.5, Ti 2.2, Al 1.4)
BS 3L 122-1970 镁-铝(8)-锌(0.5)-锰(0.3)合金铸锭和铸件规范(固溶处理) Specification for ingots and castings of magnesium-8% aluminium-zinc-manganese alloy (solution treated) (Al 8, Zn 0.5, Mn 0.3)
BS 3L 124-1970 镁-铝(10)-锌(0.5)-锰(0.3)合金铸锭和铸件规范(溶液处理) Specification for ingots and castings of magnesium - 10% aluminium-zinc-manganese alloy (solution treated) (Al 10, Zn 0.5, Mn 0.3)
BS 3L 125-1970 镁-铝(10)-锌(0.5)-锰(0.3)合金铸锭和铸件规范(溶液处理和沉淀处理) Specification for ingots and castings of magnesium - 10% aluminium-zinc-manganese alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (Al 10, Zn 0.5, Mn 0.3)
BS 3L 51-1970 铝-硅(2.5)-铜(1.2)-镍(1.0)-镁(0.1)-铁(1.0)合金铸锭和铸件规范(沉淀热处理) Specification for ingots and castings of aluminium-silicon-copper-iron-nickel-magnesium alloy (precipitation treated) (Si 2.5, Cu 1.2, Fe 1, Ni 1, Mg 0.1)
BS 3L 63-1971 铝-铜-(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.7)-锰(0.8)合金管规范(溶解和沉淀处理) Specification for tube of aluminium-copper-mangesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.7, Mn 0.8)
BS 3L 78-1970 铝-硅(5)-铜(1.2)-镁(0.5)合金铸锭和铸件规范(固溶处理和热处理) Specification for ingots and castings of aluminium-silicon-copper-magnesium alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (Si 5, Cu 1.2, Mg 0.5)
BS 3L 80-1985 铝-镁2.25%合金板材和带材规范(强度符号-0) Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-21/4% magnesium alloy (temper designation-O)
BS 3L 81-1985 铝-镁2.25%合金板材和带材规范(强度符号-H16或H26) Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-21/4% magnesium alloy (temper designation H16 or H26)
BS 3L 86-1971 铝-铜(2.5)-镁(0.3)合金冷锻实心铆钉用钢丝规范(直径不超过10mm) Specification for wire for solid, cold-forged rivets of aluminium-copper-magnesium alloy (not exceeding 10 mm diameter) (Cu 2.5, Mg 0.3)
BS 4140-0-1986 氧化铝试验方法.总则 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - General introduction
BS 4140-1-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第1部分:试样制备和贮存 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Preparation and storage of test samples
BS 4140-10-1986 氧化铝的试验方法.未夯实密度的测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of untamped density
BS 4140-11-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第11部分:钠含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of sodium content
BS 4140-12-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第12部分:钒含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of vanadium content
BS 4140-13-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第13部分:试样溶液盐酸加压处理制备方法 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Preparation of sample solution by treatment with hydrochloric acid under pressure
BS 4140-14-1997 氧化铝试验方法.第14部分:钙含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of calcium content
BS 4140-16-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第16部分:用火焰原子吸收法测定锌含量 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of zinc content by flame atomic absorption
BS 4140-17-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第17部分:氟含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of fluorine content
BS 4140-18-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第18部分:磷含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of phosphorus content
BS 4140-19-1986 氧化铝的试验方法.硼含量的测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of boron content
BS 4140-1986 氧化铝的试验方法.第19部分:硼含量的测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide. Determination of boron content
BS 4140-20-1980 氧化铝试验方法.第20部分:取样 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Sampling
BS 4140-22-1980 氧化铝试验方法.第22部分:锰含量的测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of manganese content
BS 4140-24-1987 氧化铝试验方法.第24部分:粒度分布测定(电铸筛分法) Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of fine particle size distribution (method using electroformed sieves)
BS 4140-4-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第4部分:试样溶液加碱熔化制备 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Preparation of sample solution by alkaline fusion
BS 4140-5-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第5部分:二氧化硅含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of silica content
BS 4140-6-1980 氧化铝试验方法.第6部分:钛含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of titanium content
BS 4140-7-1986 氧化铝试验方法.第7部分:铁含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of iron content
BS 4140-8-1986 氧化铝的试验方法.用比重瓶计测定绝对密度 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Determination of absolute density using a pyknometer
BS 4140-9-1986 氧化铝的试验方法.休止角的测量 Methods of test for aluminium oxide - Measurement of the angle of repose
BS 4300/10-1969 普通工程用锻造铝和铝合金规范(补充系列).第10部分:5454型冷拔管 Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys for general engineering purposes (supplementary series) - 5454 Drawn tube
BS 4756-1998 木器用铝粉调合底漆规范 Specification for ready-mixed aluminium priming paints for woodwork
BS 4842-1984 凃用于外部建筑的铝合金挤压件、薄板材和预成型件上的液态有机涂层和液态有机涂层的规范 Specification for liquid organic coatings for application to aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections for external architectural purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections coated with liquid organic coatings
BS 4868-1972 建筑用成型薄铝板规范 Specification for profiled aluminium sheet for building
BS 4872-2-1976 不要求批准焊接工艺时焊工的鉴定考试规范.第2部分:铝及铝合金钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊或熔化极惰性气体保护 Specification for approval testing of welders when welding procedure approval is not required - TIG or MIG welding of aluminium and its alloys
BS 4993-1-1974 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第1部分:氟含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of fluorine content
BS 4993-10-1983 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第10部分:磷含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of phosphorus content
BS 4993-2-1974 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第2部分:铁含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of iron content
BS 4993-3-1974 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第3部分:硅含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of silica content
BS 4993-4-1980 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第4部分:试样制备和贮存 Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Preparation and storage of test samples
BS 4993-5-1980 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第5部分:含水量测定(卡尔费希尔法) Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of moisture content (Karl Fischer method)
BS 4993-6-1980 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第6部分:含水量测定(称重法) Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of moisture content (gravimetric method)
BS 4993-7-1980 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第7部分:钠含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of sodium content
BS 4993-8-1980 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第8部分:硫酸盐含量测定 Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of sulphate content
BS 4993-9-1980 工业用氟化铝试验方法.第9部分:硫含量测定(x射线荧光光谱法) Methods of test for aluminium fluoride for industrial use - Determination of sulphur content (X-ray fluorescence spectrometric method)
BS 4A 169-2002 飞行器用铝合金螺栓(统一六角形和统一螺纹) Specification for aluminium alloy bolts (Unified hexagons and Unified threads) for aircraft
BS 4A 170-1999 铝合金蘑菇头开槽螺栓(统一螺纹)规范 Specification for aluminium alloy, mushroom-headed, slotted drive, bolts (unified thread)
BS 4L 100-1993 锻铝和铝合金的检验、试验和验收程序 Procedure for inspection, testing and acceptance of wrought aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS 4L 101-1990 铝基和镁基铸锭和铸件的检验、试验和验收程序 Procedure for inspection, testing and acceptance of aluminium-base and magnesium-base ingots and castings
BS 4L 54-1986 99%铝管规范(冷拔:无缝:液压试验)(壁厚不超过12mm) Specification for tube of 99% aluminium (cold drawn: seamless: tested hydraulically) (not exceeding 12 mm wall thickness)
BS 4L 56-1986 铝-2<1/4>%镁合金管规范(强度符号-O)(无缝管:液压试验)(壁厚不超过12mm) Specification for tube of aluminium-21/4% magnesium alloy (temper designation-O) (seamless: tested hydraulically) (not exceeding 12 mm wall thickness)
BS 4L 59-1985 铝-镁合金板材和带材规范(强度符号-H16或H2) Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-manganese alloy (temper designation H16 or H26)
BS 4L 60-1985 铝-镁合金板材和带材规范(强度符号-H12或H22) Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-manganese alloy (temper designation H12 or H22)
BS 4L 61-1985 铝-镁合金板材和带材规范(强度符号-0) Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-manganese alloy (temper designation-O)
BS 5045-8-2000 可运输的气瓶.特殊便携的在15℃时最高达300巴充气压力的水容量为0.5L-15L的无缝铝合金气瓶规范 Transportable gas containers - Specification for seamless aluminium alloy gas containers of water capacity 0.5 L up to 15 L and up to 300 bar charged pressure at 15 °C for special portable application
BS 5117-2.6-1992 发动机浓缩冷却剂(防冻剂)腐蚀抑制试验.第2部分:防腐蚀性能试验方法.第6节:热传导条件下铸铝合金防腐蚀试验 Testing corrosion inhibiting, engine coolant concentrate ('antifreeze') - Methods of test for corrosion inhibition performance - Test for corrosion of cast aluminium alloys under heat-transfer conditions
BS 5372-1997 额定电压为600/1000V和1900/3700V的铜或铝导体多芯挤制固体电介质绝缘电缆终端的尺寸规范 Specification for dimensions of cable terminations for multi-core extruded solid dielectric insulated distribution cables of rated voltages 600/1000 V and 1900/3300 V having copper or aluminium conductors
BS 5599-1993 工程用铝及其合金强阳极氧化涂层规范 Specification for hard anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys for engineering purposes
BS 5688-11-1979 工业用硼酸、氧化硼、四硼酸二钠、高硼酸钠与粗硼酸钠的试验方法.粗硼酸钠中铝总含量的测定 Methods of test for orthoboric acid (boric acid), diboron trioxide (boric oxide), disodium tetraborates, sodium perborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use - Determination of total aluminium content of crude sodium borates
BS 5688-20-1979 工业用硼酸、氧化硼、四硼酸二钠、高硼酸钠与粗硼酸钠的试验方法.粗硼酸钠可溶于碱性介质的铝含量测定 Methods of test for orthoboric acid (boric acid), diboron trioxide (boric oxide), disodium tetraborates, sodium perborates and crude sodium borates for industrial use - Determination of aluminium soluble in alkaline medium in crude sodium borates
BS 5812-1-1979 滑动轴承材料.第1部分:整体轴承用铝合金规范 Materials for plain bearings - Specification for aluminium alloy for solid bearings
BS 5L 34-1985 99%铝锻坯、棒材、挤压型材和锻件规范 Specification for forging stock, bars, extruded sections and forgings of 99% aluminium
BS 5L 36-1985 99.5%整体冷锻铆钉用铝丝规范(直径不超过10mm) Specification for wire for solid, cold-forged rivets of 99.5% aluminium (not exceeding 10 mm diameter)
BS 5L 44-1985 铝-镁2(1/4)合金锻坯、棒材、挤压型材和锻件规范 Specification for forging stock, bars, extruded sections and forgings of aluminium-21/4% magnesium alloy
BS 6043-1.1-2002 制铝工业用碳素材料的取样与试验方法.电极用沥青.取样.第1.1节:取样 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Sampling - Section 1.1: Sampling
BS 6043-1.10-2000 制铝工业用碳素材料的取样与试验方法.电极用沥青.挥发物含量的测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of volatile matter content - Section 1.10 Determination of volatile matter content
BS 6043-1.11-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.喹啉不溶物中C/H原子比的测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Determination of the atomic C/H ratio of the quinoline-insoluble material
BS 6043-1.12-1994 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第1部分:电极硬柏油脂.第12节:介晶相含量测定 Method of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of mesophase content
BS 6043-1.13-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极用沥青.硫含量的测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of sulfur content
BS 6043-1.2-1981 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第1部分:电极硬柏油脂.第2节:水分测定(迪安 斯达克法) Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of water content (Dean and Stark method)
BS 6043-1.3-1983 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第1部分:电极硬柏油脂.第3节:软化点测定(环、球法) Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of softening point (ring and ball method)
BS 6043-1.4-1981 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第1部分:电极硬柏油脂.第4节:甲苯不溶物质含量测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of content of toluene-insoluble material
BS 6043-1.5-1983 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第1部分:电极硬柏油脂.第5节:喹啉不溶物质含量测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of content of quinoline-insoluble material
BS 6043-1.6-1998 制铝工业用碳素材料的取样与试验方法.电极用沥青.焦化值测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of coking value - Section 1.6 Determination of coking value
BS 6043-1.7-1988 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第1部分:电极硬柏油脂.第7节:表观密度测定(浮力法) Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of apparent density (buoyancy method)
BS 6043-1.8-1986 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第1部分:电极硬柏油脂.第8节:灰分测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of ash
BS 6043-1.9-1989 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第1部分:电极硬柏油脂.第9节:硫含量测定(氧弹法) Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode pitch - Determination of sulphur content (bomb method)
BS 6043-1-1.2-1981 铝制品用碳素材料抽样和试验的英国标准方法.第1部分:电极用沥青.第1.2节:水含量的测定(迪安一斯达克法) British Standard Methods of sampling and test for Carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacter Part 1. Electrode pitch Section 1.2 Determination of water content (Dean and Stark method)
BS 6043-2-18-2001 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极用焦炭.用埃斯卡法测定总硫量 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of total sulfur by the Eschka method
BS 6043-2.1-1985 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第1节:取样 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Sampling
BS 6043-2.10-1996 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第10节:焙烧焦碳颗粒电阻率测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of electrical resistivity of calcined coke granules
BS 6043-2.11-1995 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第11节:挥发物含量测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of volatile matter content
BS 6043-2.12-1994 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第12节:碎焦粒度分布测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of particle size distribution of fine coke
BS 6043-2.13-1996 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第13节:未焙烧焦炭和焙烧焦炭散装密度测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of tapped bulk density of green and calcined coke
BS 6043-2.15-1997 制铝工业用炭素材料抽样和试验方法.第2部分:电极焦炭.第15节:使用实验室震动粉碎机测定焙烧焦炭的结晶稳定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of grain stability of calcined coke using a laboratory vibration mill
BS 6043-2.16-1998 铝制造用炭素物的抽样和试验方法.电极焦炭.煅烧焦碳水含量的测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of water content of calcined coke
BS 6043-2.20.1-2001 制铝工业用碳素材料的取样与试验方法.电极用焦炭.煅烧焦炭的羧基反应性.通过质量损失法测定反应性 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Carboxy reactivity of calcined coke - Determination of the reactivity by a loss in mass method - Section 2.20: Carboxy reactivity of calcined coke Subsection 2.20.1: Determination of the reactivity by a loss in mass method
BS 6043-2.21.1-2001 铝生产用碳素材料的取样和试验方法.电极用焦炭.煅烧焦炭的空气反应性.通过灼烧温度测定反应性 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Air reactivity of calcined coke - Determination of the reactivity by determination of ignition temperature - Section 2.21: Air reactivity of calcined coke Subsection 2.21.1: Determination of the reactivity by determination of ignition temperature
BS 6043-2.3-1997 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第3节:用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定痕量元素 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of trace elements in green and calcined coke by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy
BS 6043-2.4-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极焦炭.用X射线荧光光谱分析法 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Analysis by X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy
BS 6043-2.6-1986 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第6节:焙烧焦炭二甲苯密度测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of the density in xylene of calcined cokes
BS 6043-2.7-1986 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第7节:焙烧焦炭表观油含量测定(重量法) Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of the apparent oil content of calcined cokes (gravimetric method)
BS 6043-2.8-1987 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第2部分:电极用焦炭.第8节:用焙烧焦炭溶剂萃取法测定油含量 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of oil content by solvent extraction of calcined coke
BS 6043-2.9-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极焦炭.粒度分布的测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrode coke - Determination of particle size distribution
BS 6043-3.1.1-1999 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极.取样.阴极取样 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Sampling - Sampling of cathodes
BS 6043-3.1.2-1999 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极.取样.阳极取样 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Sampling - Sampling of anodes
BS 6043-3.2-1997 制铝工业用炭素材料抽样和试验方法.第3部分:电极.第2节:阴极块和预焙阳极密度测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Determination of density of cathode blocks and prebaked anodes
BS 6043-3.3-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极.用尺寸法测定阴极碳块和预焙阳极的体密度(表观密度) Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Determination of the bulk density (apparent density) of cathode blocks and prebaked anodes using a dimensions method
BS 6043-3.4-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极.用流体静力学法测定阴极碳块和预焙阳极的开放式孔隙率和体密度( Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Determination of the open porosity and bulk density (apparent density) of cathode blocks and prebaked anodes by a hydrostatic method
BS 6043-3.5.1-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极.抗弯强度的测定.三点法 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Determination of flexural strength - Three point method
BS 6043-3.6-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极.室温下阴极碳块和预焙阳极电阻率的测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Determination of electrical resistivity of cathode blocks and prebaked anodes at ambient temperature
BS 6043-3.8.1-2001 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.电极.预焙阳极的羧基反应性.通过质量损失法测定化学反应性 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Carboxy reactivity of prebaked anodes - Determination of the reactivity by a loss in mass method
BS 6043-3.9.1-2002 制铝工业用炭素材料的取样与试验方法.电极.预焙阳极对空气的化学反应性.用质量损失法测定其化学反应性 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Electrodes - Chemical reactivity to air of prebaked anodes - Determination of the reactivity by a loss in mass method
BS 6043-4.0-1991 制铝工业用炭素材料试验及抽样方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第0节:总则 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - General introduction
BS 6043-4.1-2000 制铝工业用含碳材料的取样和试验方法.冷捣糊料.取样方法 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Methods of sampling
BS 6043-4.10-1991 制铝工业用碳素材料的取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第10节:热捣糊块表观孔隙率测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of the apparent porosity of baked rammed paste
BS 6043-4.11-1991 制铝工业用碳素材料取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第11节:烘焙捣糊块热膨胀性测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of the thermal expansion of baked rammed paste
BS 6043-4.12-1992 制铝工业用炭素材料取样与试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第12节:烘焙捣糊块热导率测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of the thermal conductivity of baked rammed paste
BS 6043-4.13-1991 制铝工业用碳素材料取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第13节:烘焙捣实糊块灰分测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of ash of baked rammed paste
BS 6043-4.2-2000 制铝用碳素材料的取样和试验方法.冷压糊料.通过喹啉萃取测定有效粘合剂含量和集料含量.集料尺寸分布的测定. Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of the effective binder content and aggregate content by extraction with quinoline; determination of aggregate size distribution - Section 4. 2 Determination of effective binder content and aggregate content by extraction with quinoline; determination of aggregate size distribution
BS 6043-4.3-1991 制铝工业用炭素材料取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第3节:二氯甲烷萃取后集料粒径分布测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of aggregate size distribution after extraction by dichloromethane
BS 6043-4.4-2000 制铝工业用碳素材料的取样和试验方法.冷压糊料.未烘烧糊料的挥发物含量的测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of the volatile matter content of unbaked paste - Section 4.4 Determination of the volatile matter content of unbaked paste
BS 6043-4.5-1991 制铝工业用碳素材料取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第5节:未烘焙糊块含水量测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of water content of unbaked pastes
BS 6043-4.6-1991 制铝工业用碳素材料取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第6节:未烘焙糊块最大表观捣实密度测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of maximum rammed apparent density of unbaked paste
BS 6043-4.7-1991 制铝工业用炭素材料取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第7节:热捣试块制备和烘焙表观密度、体积变化及质量损 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Preparation of baked rammed test pieces and determination of baked apparent density, change in volume and loss in mass
BS 6043-4.8-1991 制铝工业用碳素材料取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第8节:烘焙捣实糊块电阻率测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of electrical resistivity of baked rammed paste
BS 6043-4.9-1991 制铝工业用炭素材料取样和试验方法.第4部分:冷捣糊块.第9节:热捣糊块冷压碎强度测定 Methods of sampling and test for carbonaceous materials used in aluminium manufacture - Cold ramming pastes - Determination of the cold crushing strength of baked rammed paste
BS 6068-2.49-1995 水质.第2部分:物理、化学和生物化学法.第49节:铝含量测定:邻苯二酚紫光谱测定法 Water quality - Physical, chemical and biochemical methods - Determination of aluminium - Spectrometric method using pyrocatechol violet
BS 6161-11-1985 铝及铝合金阳极氧化镀层试验方法.第11部分:光电反射计测量总反射率 Methods of test for anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys - Measurement of total reflectance using a photoelectric reflectometer
BS 6161-14-1987 铝及铝合金阳极氧化镀层试验方法.第14部分:红外反射率测定 Methods of test for anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys - Determination of infra-red reflectance
BS 6161-18-1991 铝及铝合金阳极氧化镀层试验方法.第18部分:表面耐磨性测定 Methods of test for anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys - Determination of surface abrasion resistance
BS 6161-1993 铝及其合金的阳极氧化镀层的试验方法.第19部分:图象清晰度的测定.仪器测定法 Methods of test for anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys. Determination of image clarity. Instrumental method
BS 6161-7-1984 铝及其合金阳极氧化镀层试验方法.第7部分:阳极氧化有色镀层的人造光耐光度加速测定法 Methods of test for anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium and its alloys - Accelerated determination of light fastness of coloured anodic oxidation coatings using artificial light
BS 6200-3.1.1-1991 铁、钢和其他铁金属的抽样和分析.第3部分:分析方法.第1节:铝含量测定.第1小节:钢、铸铁、低碳铬铁和铬金属: Sampling and analysis of iron, steel and other ferrous metals - Methods of analysis - Determination of aluminium - Steel, cast iron, low carbon ferro-chromium and chromium metal: volumetric method
BS 6200-3.1.2-1991 铁、钢和其他黑色金属抽样和分析.第3部分:分析方法.第1节:铝含量测定.第2小节:钢和铸铁:分光光度法 Sampling and analysis of iron, steel and other ferrous metals - Methods of analysis - Determination of aluminium - Steel and cast iron: spectrophotometric method
BS 6200-3.1.4-1990 铁、钢和其他黑色金属抽样和分析.第3部分:分析方法.第1节:铝含量测定.第4小节:非合金钢:火焰原子吸收分光光 Sampling and analysis of iron, steel and other ferrous metals - Methods of analysis - Determination of aluminium - Non-alloyed steel: flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
BS 6200-3.1.5-1985 铁、钢和其他黑色金属抽样与分析.第3部分:分析方法.第1节:铝含量测定.第5小节:铁硅合金:原子吸收光谱法 Sampling and analysis of iron, steel and other ferrous metals - Methods of analysis - Determination of aluminium - Ferrosilicon: atomic absorption spectrometric method
BS 6200-3.1.6-1991 铁、钢和其他黑色金属抽样与分析.第3部分:分析方法.第1节:铝含量测定.第6小节:永磁合金:体积法 Sampling and analysis of iron, steel and other ferrous metals - Methods of analysis - Determination of aluminium - Permanent magnet alloys: volumetric method
BS 6496-1984 施加并焙固于铝合金的挤压材、板材和预成型材(外部建筑用)的粉末有机涂层和带有粉末有机涂层的铝合金挤压材 Specification for powder organic coatings for application and stoving to aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections for external architectural purposes, and for the finish on aluminium alloy extrusions, sheet and preformed sections coated with powder organic coatings
BS 6870-2.1-1987 铝矿石分析.第2部分:化学方法.第1节:预干试样的制备方法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Chemical methods - Method of preparation of pre-dried test samples
BS 6870-2.2-1987 铝矿石分析.第2部分:化学方法.第2节:分析试样吸湿水分的测定方法:重力分析法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Chemical methods - Method for determination of hygroscopic moisture in analytical samples: gravimetric method
BS 6870-2.3-1987 铝矿石分析.化学方法.1075℃下的质量损失的测定方法:重力分析法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Chemical methods - Method for determination of loss of mass at 1075 °C: gravimetric method
BS 6870-2.4-1987 铝矿石分析.化学方法.含硅量的测定方法:重力和分光光度综合分析法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Chemical methods - Method for determination of silicon content: combined gravimetric and spectrophotometric method
BS 6870-2.5-1987 铝矿石分析.化学方法.铁含量测定方法:滴定法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Chemical methods - Method for determination of iron content: titrimetric method
BS 6870-2.6-1987 铝矿石分析.化学方法.铝含量测定方法:乙二胺四乙酸(EDTA)滴定法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Chemical methods - Method for determination of aluminium content: EDTA titrimetric method
BS 6870-2.7-1987 铝矿石分析.化学方法.钛含量测定方法:分光光度分析法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Chemical methods - Method for determination of titanium content: spectrophotometric method
BS 6870-2.8-1987 铝矿石分析.化学方法.磷含量测定方法:分光光度分析法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Chemical methods - Method for determination of phosphorus content: spectrophotometric method
BS 6870-3-1989 铝矿石分析.第3部分:采用波长色散式X射线荧光法对多元素分析的方法 Analysis of aluminium ores - Method for multi-element analysis by wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence
BS 6878-1988+A2-1993 工业用高压开关装置和控制装置用规范.铸铝合金外壳或充气式高压开关装置和控制装置 Specification for high-voltage switchgear and controlgear for industrial use - Cast aluminium alloy enclosures for gas-filled high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
BS 6886-1987 炼焦炉用硅酸铝耐火材料规范 Specification for alumino-silicate refractories for use in coke ovens
BS 6L 16-1985 99%铝板材和带材规范(强度符号-H14或H24) Specification for sheet and strip of 99% aluminium (temper designation H14 or H24)
BS 6L 17-1985 99%铝板材和带材规范(强度符号-0) Specification for sheet and strip of 99% aluminium (temper designation-O)
BS 7020-8.1-1988 铁矿石分析.铝含量测定方法.滴定法 Analysis of iron ores - Methods for the determination of aluminium content - Titrimetric method
BS 7079-F10-2000 涂料和相关制品使用前钢底衬材料的制备.非金属喷砂清理磨料.铁铝榴石 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Almandite garnet
BS 7252-10-1997 外科植物入用金属材料.第10部分:煅制钛5-铝2.5-铁合金规范 Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought titanium 5-aluminium 2,5-iron alloy
BS 7252-11-1995 外科植入物用金属材料.第11部分:可锻钛6-铝7-铌合金规范 Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought titanium 6-aluminium 7-niobium alloy
BS 7252-3-1997 外科植入物用金属材料.锻制钛6-铝4-钒合金规范 Metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for wrought titanium 6-aluminium 4-vanadium alloy
BS 7253-2-1997 外科植入物用非金属材料.高纯度氧化铝陶瓷材料规范 Non-metallic materials for surgical implants - Specification for ceramic materials based on high purity alumina
BS 7315-1990+A1-1993 充气式高压开关装置和控制装置用锻铝和铝合金壳体的规范 Specification for Wrought aluminium and aluminium alloy enclosures for gas-filled high-voltage switchgear and controlgear
BS 7455-7-1992 用火焰原子吸收光谱测定法对镍合金的分析.第7部分:铝含量的测定方法 Analysis of nickel alloys by flame atomic absorption spectrometry - Method for determination of aluminium
BS 7609-1992 铜或铝导线动力电缆用非绝缘压缩和机械联接器的安装和检验实用规程 Code of practice for installation and inspection of uninsulated compression and mechanical connectors for power cables with copper or aluminium conductors
BS 7709-4-1993 玻璃萃取溶液的分析.第4部分:采用分子吸收光谱法对二氧化铝的测定方法 Analysis of extract solutions of glass - Method for determination of aluminium oxide by molecular absorption spectrometry
BS 7870-3.10-2001 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有铜线或铝导体的PVC隔绝的 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - PVC insulated combined neutral and earth copper wire concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors
BS 7870-3.11-2001 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有铜线或铝导体的XLPE隔绝 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated combined neutral and earth copper wire concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors
BS 7870-3.12-2001 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.当有火焰影响时烟和腐蚀性 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated combined neutral and earth copper wire concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire
BS 7870-3.20-2001 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有铜或铝导体的PVC隔绝的分 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - PVC insulated split concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors
BS 7870-3.21-2001 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有铜或铝导体的XLPE隔绝的 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated split concentric cables with copper or aluminium conductors
BS 7870-3.40-2001 供电与动力装置用低电压和常电压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.有固态铝导体的铜线波型同 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated, copper wire waveform concentric cables with solid aluminium conductors
BS 7870-3.50-2005 配电和发电装置用低压和常压聚合绝缘电缆.额定电压为0.6/1KV的配电电缆规范.着火时轻微散发烟气和腐蚀性气 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for distribution cables of rated voltage 0.6/1 kV - XLPE insulated, copper wire waveform or helical concentric cables with solid aluminium conductors, having low emission of smoke and corrosive gases when affected by fire - (Implementation of HD 603)
BS 7870-7.1-2003 配电和发电设施用LV和MV聚合物绝缘电缆.电站用有防火性能的额定电压为3.8/6.6KV和6.35/11KV电力电缆规范.卤 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for power cables having rated voltages of 3.8/6.6 kV and 6.35/11 kV with special fire performance for use in power stations - Single core and 3-core cables with halogenated materials and with aluminium or steel wire armouring
BS 7870-7.2-2003 配电和发电设施用LV和MV聚合绝缘电缆.电站用具有特殊防火性能的额定电压为3.8/6.6KV和6.35/11KV电力电缆规 LV and MV polymeric insulated cables for use by distribution and generation utilities - Specification for power cables having rated voltages of 3.8/6.6 kV and 6.35/11 kV with special fire performance for use in power stations - Single-core and 3-core cables with halogen-free materials and with aluminium or steel wire armouring
BS 7905-2-2000 演出、广播和类似项目用提升设备.铝和钢桁架和塔状构架的设计和制造规范 Lifting equipment for performance, broadcast and similar applications - Specification for design and manufacture of aluminium and steel trusses and towers
BS 7906-2-2000 演出、广播和类似项目用提升设备.铝和钢桁架和塔状构架的使用实施规范 Lifting equipment for performance, broadcast and similar applications - Code of practice for use of aluminium and steel trusses and towers
BS 7954-1999 珠状干燥活性铝氧粉规范 Beaded desiccant activated alumina - Specification
BS 7L 37-1989 铝-铜-镁-硅-锰合金的整体冷锻制铆钉用金属线规范(用于溶解处理和自然老化状态)(直径不超过10mm)(铜4.4、镁 Specification for wire for solid cold-forged rivets of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (for use in the solution treated and naturally aged condition) (not exceeding 10 mm diameter) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.7, Mn 0.8) (2014A)
BS 8118 Pt.2-1992 铝的结构应用.第2部分;材料、工艺和防护规范 Structural use of aluminium. Specification for materials, workmanship and protection
BS 8118-1-1992 铝的结构使用.设计实用规程 Structural use of aluminium - Code of practice for design
BS 8118-2-1992 铝结构使用.材料、工艺和防护规范 Structural use of aluminium - Specification for materials, workmanship and protection
BS 9124-2008 带大于1m净孔的钢和铝通路盖设备用规范 Specification for steel and aluminium access cover systems with over 1 m clear opening
BS AU 210-2-1994 大篷车和轻型挂车用拉杆.第2部分:铝拉杆和底盘设计规范 Drawbars for caravans and light trailers - Specification for the design of aluminium drawbars and chassis
BS B 23-1991 铜-铝-镍-铁合金棒材、型材、锻坯和锻件规范 Specification for copper-aluminium-nickel-iron alloy rods, sections, forging stock and forgings
BS CECC 30301 024-1981 固定式铝电解质电容器(长寿命级)详细规范.非固态电解质.圆形极性金属外壳、箝位式或螺柱式安装螺旋终端.全 Harmonized detail specification for fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors (long-life grade) - Non-solid electrolyte - Cylindrical, polar insulated metallic case, clamp or stud mounting screw terminations - Full plus additional assessment level
BS CECC 30302-1978 电子元器件用质量评估协调体系规范.空白详细规范.固态介质铝电解质电容器 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification: aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid electrolyte
BS CP 143-1-1958 薄板屋顶和墙面饰层的实施规程. 波纹和槽形薄铝板 Code of practice for sheet roof and wall coverings - Aluminium, corrugated and troughed
BS CP 143-15-1973 薄板屋顶和墙面饰层的实施规程.铝.米制单位 Code of practice for sheet roof and wall coverings - Code of practice for sheet roof and wall coverings - Aluminium - Metric units
BS CWA 15902-1-2008 娱乐业中舞台和其他演出区域用提升和承载设备.一般要求(不包括铝和钢架及塔) Lifting and load-bearing equipment for stages and other production areas within the entertainment industry - General requirements (excluding aluminium and steel trusses and towers)
BS CWA 15902-2-2008 娱乐业中舞台和其他演出区域用提升和承载设备.设计、制造和铝和钢架及塔使用的规范 Lifting and load-bearing equipment for stages and other production areas within the entertainment industry - Specifications for design, manufacture and for use of aluminium and steel trusses and towers
BS DD 139-1986 锌铝合金铸锭和铸件规范 Specification for zinc-aluminium alloy ingots and castings
BS DD CEN/TS 15412-2006 固体再生燃料.金属铝测定方法 Solid recovered fuels - Methods for the determination of metallic aluminium
BS DD ENV 14226-2002 高技术陶瓷.陶瓷粉末的试验方法.使用燃烧原子吸收光谱测定法(FAAS)或诱导偶合等离子体-原子发射光谱法(ICP- Advanced technical ceramics - Test methods for ceramic powders - Determination of calcium, magnesium, iron and aluminium in silicon nitride by using flame atomic absorption spectroscopy (FAAS) or inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES)
BS DD ENV 1999-1-2-2000 欧洲法规9.铝合金结构件的设计.一般规则.结构的防火设计 Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures. General rules. Structural fire design
BS EN 1011-4-2000 焊接.金属材料焊接的推荐规范.铝及铝合金的电弧焊接 Welding - Recommendations for welding of metallic materials - Arc welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS EN 10244-3-2001 钢丝及其制品.钢丝上的非有色金属涂层.铝涂层 Steel wire and wire products - Non-ferrous metallic coatings on steel wire - Aluminium coatings
BS EN 10318-2005 测定锌基和铝基金属覆层的厚度和化学成分.常规法 Determination of thickness and chemical composition of zinc- and aluminium-based metallic coatings - Routine method
BS EN 1090-2-2008 钢结构和铝结构的施工.钢结构的执行用技术要求 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Technical requirements for the execution of steel structures
BS EN 1090-3-2008 钢结构和铝结构的施工.铝结构的技术要求 Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 3: Technical requirements for aluminium structures
BS EN 1092-4-2002 法兰及其连接件.按PN标注的管道、阀门、配件和附件用圆形法兰.铝合金法兰 Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, PN designated - Aluminium alloy flanges
BS EN 12020-1-2008 铝及铝合金.合金EN AW-6060和EN AW-6063的挤压精密型材:检验和交付用技术条件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extruded precision profiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 12020-2-2008 铝及铝合金.合金EN AW-6060和EN AW-6063挤压的精密型材:尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded precision profiles in alloys EN AW-6060 and EN AW-6063 — Part 2: Tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 12206-1-2004 颜料和清漆.建筑用铝和铝合金涂层.涂覆粉末制涂层 Paints and varnishes - Coating of aluminium and aluminium alloys for architectural purposes - Coatings prepared from coating powder
BS EN 12258-1-1998 铝和铝合金.术语和定义.通用术语 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms and definitions - General terms
BS EN 12258-2-2004 铝和铝合金.术语和定义.化学分析 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms and definitions - Chemical analysis
BS EN 12258-3-2003 铝和铝合金.术语和定义.废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms and definitions - Scrap
BS EN 12258-4-2004 铝和铝合金.术语和定义.铝工业残留物 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Terms and definitions - Residues of the aluminium industry
BS EN 12373-1-2001 铝及铝合金.阳极氧化.规定铝装饰和保护用阳极氧化覆层的方法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Method for specifying decorative and protective anodic oxidation coatings on aluminium
BS EN 12373-10-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.使用磨损射流设备测定阳极氧化镀涂层主要特殊磨损抗性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Measurement of mean specific abrasion resistance of anodic oxidation coatings using an abrasive jet test apparatus
BS EN 12373-11-2001 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.20°、45°、60°和85°角的阳极氧化覆层的镜面反射系数和镜面光泽度的测量 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Measurement of specular reflectance and specular gloss of anodic oxidation coatings at angles of 20 °, 45 °, 60 °, and 85 °
BS EN 12373-12-2001 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.用集成球形仪器测量铝表面反射特性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using integrating-sphere instruments
BS EN 12373-13-2001 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.用角度光度计或滤色角度光度计测量铝表面反射特性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Measurement of reflectance characteristics of aluminium surfaces using a goniophotometer or an abridged goniophotometer
BS EN 12373-14-2001 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.阳极氧化层镜相清析的目视测定.表格刻度法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Visual determination of image clarity of anodic oxidation coatings - Chart scale method
BS EN 12373-15-2001 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.检查变形评估阳极氧化层耐裂性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Assessment of resistance of anodic oxidation coatings to cracking by deformation
BS EN 12373-16-2001 铝及铝合金.阳极氧化.阳极氧化薄覆层连续性检查.硫酸铜试验 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Check for continuity of thin anodic oxidation coatings - Copper sulfate test
BS EN 12373-17-2001 铝及铝合金.阳极化.电介质击穿潜在性的测定 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Determination of electric breakdown potential
BS EN 12373-18-2001 铝及铝合金.阳极氧化.斑蚀评定的等级系统.图表法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Rating system for the evaluation of pitting corrosion - Chart method
BS EN 12373-19-2001 铝及铝合金.阳极氧化.斑蚀评定的等级系统.坐标法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Rating system for the evaluation of pitting corrosion - Grid method
BS EN 12373-2-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.阳极氧化涂层单位面积(表面密度)质量的测定.重量剂法 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Determination of mass per unit area (surface density) of anodic oxidation coatings - Gravimetric method
BS EN 12373-3-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.阳极氧化涂层单位面积(表面密度)质量的测定.分束显微镜无损测量 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Determination of thickness of anodic oxidation coatings - Non-destructive measurement by split-beam microscope
BS EN 12373-4-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.预先酸处理的染料污点密封试验的阳极氧镀层吸收强度损失评估 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Estimation of loss of absorptive power of anodic oxidation coatings after sealing by dye spot test with prior acid treatment
BS EN 12373-5-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.通过导纳测量评估密封阳极氧化物镀层质量 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of admittance
BS EN 12373-6-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.测定未预先酸处理的浸入磷酸/铬酸溶液后质量损失以评估密封阳极氧化镀层质量 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution without prior acid treatment
BS EN 12373-7-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.测定预先酸处理的浸入磷酸/铬酸溶液后质量损失评估密封阳极氧化镀层质量 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Assessment of quality of sealed anodic oxidation coatings by measurement of the loss of mass after immersion in phosphoric acid/chromic acid solution with prior acid treatment
BS EN 12373-8-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.有色阳极氧化镀层对紫外光和热的比较牢固度测定 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Determination of the comparative fastness to ultra-violet light and heat of coloured anodic oxidation coatings
BS EN 12373-9-1999 铝和铝合金.阳极氧化.使用磨损轮磨损试验设备测定阳极氧化镀层磨损指数和磨损抗性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Anodizing - Measurement of wear resistance and wear index of anodic oxidation coatings using an abrasive wheel wear test apparatus
BS EN 12375-1998 包装.软铝管.壁厚度测定方法 Packaging - Flexible aluminium tubes - Wall thickness determination method
BS EN 12392-2000 铝和铝合金.锻压产品.生产压力设备用产品专门要求 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products - Special requirements for products intended for the production of pressure equipment
BS EN 12441-1-2002 锌及锌合金.化学分析.锌合金中铝的测定.滴定法 Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Determination of aluminium in zinc alloys - Titrimetric method
BS EN 12441-6-2003 锌和锌合金.化学分析.铝及铁含量的测定.火焰原子吸收光谱测定法 Zinc and zinc alloys - Chemical analysis - Determination of aluminium and iron - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
BS EN 12475-1-1998 密度成型耐火产品分类.硅酸铝产品 Classification of dense shaped refractory products - Alumina-silica products
BS EN 12482-1-1998 铝和铝合金.通用重轧胚料.热轧重轧胚料规范. Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Reroll stock for general applications - Specifications for hot rolled reroll stock
BS EN 12482-2-1998 铝和铝合金.通用重轧胚料.冷轧重轧胚料规范. Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Reroll stock for general applications - Specifications for cold rolled reroll stock
BS EN 12487-2007 金属的腐蚀防护.铝和铝合金上经清洗和未清洗的铬酸盐转化涂层 Corrosion protection of metals - Rinsed and non-rinsed chromate conversion coatings on aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS EN 12517-2-2008 焊缝的无损检验.通过射线照相术评估铝及铝合金的焊接接头.验收等级 Non-destructive testing of welds - Part 2: Evaluation of welded joints in aluminium and its alloys by radiography - Acceptance levels
BS EN 12816-2001 便携式可再灌装的液化石油气钢瓶和铝瓶.处置 Transportable refillable steel and aluminium LPG cylinders - Disposal
BS EN 12862-2000 可运输气瓶.可反复灌装可运输焊接铝合金气瓶的设计和制造规范 Transportable gas cylinders - Specification for the design and construction of refillable transportable welded aluminium alloy gas cylinders
BS EN 12905-2005 人类生活用水处理产品.膨胀硅铝酸盐 Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Expanded aluminosilicate
BS EN 1301-1-2008 铝和铝合金.拉制钢丝.检验和交付用技术条件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 1301-2-2008 铝和铝合金.拉制钢丝.机械性能 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Mechanical properties
BS EN 1301-3-2008 铝和铝合金.拉制钢丝.尺寸公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawn wire - Tolerances on dimensions
BS EN 1302-1999 人消耗用的水处理用化学物质.铝基絮凝剂.分析方法 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium-based coagulants - Analytical methods
BS EN 13048-2000 包装.铝软管.内部清漆膜厚度测量方法 Packaging - Flexible aluminium tubes - Internal lacquer film thickness measurement method
BS EN 13110-2002 液化石油气用可运输、可再充气的焊接铝瓶.设计和制造 Transportable refillable welded aluminium cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - Design and construction
BS EN 13195-1-2002 铝和铝合金.海上(造船业,海运和近海工程)用煅造和铸造产品.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought and cast products for marine applications (shipbuilding, marine and offshore) - Specifications
BS EN 13445-8-2006 非受火压力容器.第8部分:铝和铝合金压力容器附加要求 Unfired pressure vessels — Part 8: Additional requirements for pressure vessels of aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS EN 13480-8-2007 金属工业管道.第8部分:铝和铝合金管道附加要求 Metallic industrial piping - Part 8: Additional requirements for aluminium and aluminium alloy piping
BS EN 137100-1996 电子元件质量评估用协调体系.分规范.电动机起动器用非固体电解质的电解铝交流固定电容器.合格鉴定 Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Sectional specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic a. c. capacitors with non-solid electrolyte for motor starter applications - Qualification approval
BS EN 137101-1996 电子元器件质量评定协调体系.空白详细规范.发电动机起动器铝交流电解质固定电容器.合格鉴定批准 Harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic a.c. capacitors with non-solid electrolyte for motor starter applications (Qualification approval)
BS EN 13753-2002 人生活用水的水处理用品.粒状活性铝氧土 Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Granular activated alumina
BS EN 1386-2007 铝和铝合金.踏板.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Tread plate - Specifications
BS EN 13920-1-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.一般要求、取样和试验 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - General requirements, sampling and tests
BS EN 13920-10-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.铝制废饮料罐的废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap consisting of used aluminium beverage cans
BS EN 13920-11-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.铝铜散热器的废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap consisting of aluminium-copper radiators
BS EN 13920-12-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.单一合金的车床切屑 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Turnings consisting of one single alloy
BS EN 13920-13-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.含两种或多种合金的混合车床切屑 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Mixed turnings consisting of two or more alloys
BS EN 13920-14-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.废铝包装件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap from post-consumer aluminium packagings
BS EN 13920-15-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.已去除废铝包装件中涂层的铝废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Decoated aluminium scrap from post-consumer aluminium packagings
BS EN 13920-16-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.浮渣、渣滓、疤皮和金属粒子的废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap consisting of skimmings, drosses, spills and metallics
BS EN 13920-2-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.非合金废铝 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Unalloyed aluminium scrap
BS EN 13920-3-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.废金属丝和电缆 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Wire and cable scrap
BS EN 13920-4-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.单一锻造合金的废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap consisting of one single wrought alloy
BS EN 13920-5-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.同一系列两种或多种锻造合金的废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap consisting of two or more wrought alloys of the same series
BS EN 13920-6-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.含两种或多种锻造铝合金的废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap consisting of two or more wrought alloys
BS EN 13920-7-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.铸件废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap consisting of castings
BS EN 13920-8-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.为实施铝分离加工,含粉碎加工产生的 非铁材料废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap consisting of non-ferrous materials from shredding processes destined to aluminium separation processes
BS EN 13920-9-2003 铝和铝合金.废料.从粉碎的非铁材料中分离出的铝废料 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Scrap - Scrap from aluminium separation processes of non-ferrous shredded materials
BS EN 13958-2008 铝和铝合金.一般用途的冷拉、圆形盘管.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cold drawn, round, coiled tube for general applications - Specification
BS EN 1396-2007 铝和铝合金.通用卷绕涂层薄板材和带材.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Coil coated sheet and strip for general applications - Specifications
BS EN 13981-1-2003 铝和铝合金.结构性铁道制品.检验和交货技术条件.挤压制品 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Products for structural railway applications - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery - Extruded products
BS EN 13981-2-2004 铝和铝合金.结构性轨道用制品.检验和交货技术条件.板材和薄板材 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Products for structural railway applications - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery - Plates and sheets
BS EN 13981-3-2006 铝和铝合金.结构性铁路设施用产品.检验和交货用技术条件.铸件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Products for structural railway applications - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery - Castings
BS EN 13981-4-2006 铝和铝合金.结构性铁道设施用产品.检验和交货技术条件.锻制品 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Products for structural railway applications - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery - Forgings
BS EN 14095-2004 建筑物内部水调节设备.铝阳极的电解处理.性能、安全和试验要求 Water conditioning equipment inside buildings - Electrolytic treatment with aluminium anodes - Requirements for performance, safety and testing
BS EN 14121-2003 铝和铝合金.电工用铝薄板、带材和板材 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Aluminium sheet, strip and plate for electrotechnical applications
BS EN 14242-2004 铝和铝合金.化学分析.感应耦合等离子体光学辐射光谱分析 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical analysis - Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectral analysis
BS EN 14287-2004 铝和铝合金.包装和包装元件制造用产品的化学成分的具体要求 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Specific requirements on the chemical composition of products intended to be used for the manufacture of packaging and packaging components
BS EN 14361-2004 铝和铝合金.化学分析.金属熔料抽样 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical analysis - Sampling from metal melts
BS EN 14369-2003 人类用水处理用制品.覆铁粒状活性铝 Products used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Iron-coated granular activated alumina
BS EN 14391-2004 包装.可折叠铝管.触摸式危险警告 Packaging - Collapsible aluminium tubes - Tactile warnings of danger
BS EN 14392-2007 铝和铝合金.与食品接触的阳极产品的要求 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Requirements for anodised products for use in contact with foodstuff
BS EN 14532-3-2005 焊接消耗品.试验方法和质量要求.铝合金焊接用焊丝电极、焊丝和焊棒的合格评定 Welding consumables - Test methods and quality requirements - Conformity assessment of wire electrodes, wires and rods for welding of aluminium alloys
BS EN 14647-2005 铝酸钙水泥.成分、规范和一致性标准 Calcium aluminate cement - Composition, specifications and conformity criteria
BS EN 14726-2005 铝和铝合金.化学分析.闪光光学发射光谱测定分析指南 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical analysis - Guideline for spark optical emission spectrometric analysis
BS EN 14730-1-2006 道路设施.轨道.铁轨的铝热剂焊接.焊接过程的验收 Railway applications - Track - Aluminothermic welding of rails - Approval of welding processes
BS EN 14730-2-2006 道路设施.轨道.铁轨的铝热剂焊接.铝热焊接工资格、合同认可和焊缝的验收 Railway applications - Track - Aluminothermic welding of rails - Qualifications of aluminothermic welders, approval of contractors and acceptance of welds
BS EN 14795-2005 液化石油气(LPG)设备和附件.液化石油气(LPG)用可运输可再填充的铝储气瓶.周期性检验 LPG equipment and accessories - Transportable refillable aluminium cylinders for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) - Periodic inspection
BS EN 14936-1-2006 铜和铜合金.铝含量的测定.滴定法 Copper and copper alloys - Determination of aluminium content - Titrimetric method
BS EN 14936-2-2006 铜和铜合金.铝含量的测定.FAAS法 Copper and copper alloys - Determination of aluminium content - FAAS method
BS EN 15006-2006 金属雾化剂罐.铝罐.孔径25.4 mm尺寸 Metal aerosol containers — Aluminium containers — Dimensions of the 25,4 mm aperture
BS EN 15008-2006 雾化剂罐.铝罐.孔径25.4 mm的整体罐尺寸 Aerosol containers — Aluminium containers — Dimensions of one-piece cans with 25,4 mm aperture
BS EN 15010-2006 空气溶胶容器.铝罐.与链扣连接的基准尺寸公差 Aerosol containers — Aluminium containers — Tolerances of the fundamenta dimensions in connection with the clinch
BS EN 15088-2005 铝和铝合金.施工作业用结构产品.检验和交付用技术条件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Structural products for construction works - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 15206-2007 釉层和搪瓷.薄钢板、薄铝板和铸铁上测试瓷漆用试样的制备 Vitreous and porcelain enamels — Production of specimens for testing enamel on sheet steel, sheet aluminium and cast iron
BS EN 15384-2007 包装.柔性铝管.内部涂层空隙率测定用试验方法 Packaging - Flexible aluminium tubes - Test method to determine the porosity of the internal coating
BS EN 15421-2007 包装.软铝管.内部和外部防护清漆粘附力的测定 Packaging - Flexible aluminium tubes - Determination of the adhesion of the internal and external protective lacquering
BS EN 15530-2008 铝和铝合金.铝制品的环境效应.标准中包含环境效应的一般指南 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Environmental aspects of aluminium products - General guidelines for their inclusion in standards
BS EN 1559-4-1999 铸造.交付技术状态.铝合金铸件的附加要求 Founding - Technical conditions of delivery - Additional requirements for aluminium alloy castings
BS EN 1592-1-1998 铝和铝合金.HF缝焊管.检验和交付技术状态 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 1592-2-1998 铝和铝合金.HF缝焊管.机械特性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Mechanical properties
BS EN 1592-3-1998 铝和铝合金.HF缝焊管.圆形管的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Tolerances on dimensions and form for circular tubes
BS EN 1592-4-1998 铝和铝合金.HF缝焊管.正方形、矩形和异型管的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - HF seam welded tubes - Tolerances on dimensions and form for square, rectangular and shaped tubes
BS EN 1669-1997 铝及铝合金试验方法.薄板材和带材的耳索试验 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Test methods - Earing test for sheet and strip
BS EN 1676-1997 铝及铝合金试验方法.再熔用的合金铸锭.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Alloyed ingots for remelting - Specifications
BS EN 1706-1998 铝及铝合金.铸件.化学成分和机械特性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Castings - Chemical composition and mechanical properties
BS EN 1715-2-2008 铝和铝合金.绘图台.电气应用的特殊要求 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Specific requirements for electrical applications
BS EN 1715-3-2008 铝和铝合金.拉制坯料.机械用途(不包括焊接)特殊要求 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Drawing stock - Specific requirements for mechanical uses (excluding welding)
BS EN 1759-4-2003 法兰及其连接件.标注等级的管道、阀门、配件及附件用圆形法兰.铝合金法兰 Flanges and their joints - Circular flanges for pipes, valves, fittings and accessories, class designated - Aluminium alloy flanges
BS EN 1780-1-2002 铝和铝合金.再熔、母合金和铸件的非合金和合金铝锭的命名.数字命名系统 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of unalloyed and alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and castings - Numerical designation system
BS EN 1780-2-2002 铝和铝合金.再熔、母合金和铸件用非合金和合金铝锭的命名.用化学符号表示命名系统 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of unalloyed and alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and castings - Chemical symbol based designation system
BS EN 1780-3-2002 铝和铝合金.再熔、母合金和铸件的非合金和合金铝锭的命名.化学成份的书写规则 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Designation of unalloyed and alloyed aluminium ingots for remelting, master alloys and castings - Writing rules for chemical composition
BS EN 1802-2002 可运输储气瓶.无缝铝合金储气瓶的周期性检验和测试 Transportable gas cylinders - Periodic inspection and testing of seamless aluminium alloy gas cylinders
BS EN 1967-2002 结构胶粘剂.用与漂浮滚筒法有关的湿剥离试验评价铝表面处理技术的有效性 Structural adhesives - Evaluation of the effectiveness of surface treatment techniques for aluminium using a wet peel test in association with the floating roller method
BS EN 1975-2000 便携气体钢瓶.容量由0,5升到150升(包括150升)的由无缝铝和铝合金制气体瓶的设计和结构规范. Transportable gas cylinders - Specification for the design and construction of refillable transportable seamless aluminium and aluminium alloy gas cylinders of capacity from 0,5 litre up to 150 litre
BS EN 1999-1-1-2007 欧洲法规9:铝结构的设计.一般结构规则 Eurocode 9: Design of aluminium structures — Part 1-1: General structural rules
BS EN 1999-1-2-2007 欧洲法规9.铝结构设计.结构防火设计 Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures - Structural fire design
BS EN 1999-1-3-2007 欧洲法规9:铝结构的设计.易疲劳的结构 Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures - Structures susceptible to fatigue
BS EN 1999-1-4-2007 欧洲法规9:铝结构设计.冷成型结构钢板 Eurocode 9 — Design of aluminium structures — Part 1-4: Cold-formed structural sheeting
BS EN 1999-1-5-2007 铝结构设计.壳层结构 Eurocode 9 — Design of aluminium structures — Part 1-5: Shell structures
BS EN 2004-1-1993 铝和铝合金产品试验方法.第1部分:锻铝合金电导率的测定 Test methods for aluminium and aluminium alloy products - Determination of electrical conductivity of wrought aluminium alloys
BS EN 2004-5-1993 铝和铝合金产品试验方法.第5部分:复合半成品的包层厚度和铜扩散的测定 Test methods for aluminium and aluminium alloy products - Determination of cladding thickness and copper diffusion of clad semi-finished products
BS EN 2044-2001 航空航天系列.铝及铝合金拉制圆棒.公差等级h11.直径为4mm D 63mm.尺寸 Aerospace series - Round bars, drawn, in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Tolerance class h 11 - Diameter 4 mm D 63 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2045-2001 航空航天系列.铝及铝合金拉制方棒.公差等级h11.厚度为6mm a 50mm.尺寸 Aerospace series - Square bars, drawn, in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Tolerance class h 11 - Thickness 6 mm a 50 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2046-2001 铝及铝合金拉制六角形棒材.公差等级h11.对边宽度为7mm a 50mm.尺寸 Hexagonal bars, drawn, in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Tolerance class h 11 - Width across flats 7 mm a 50 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2047-2001 航空航天系列.带边的L形铝及铝合金挤压件.尺寸 Aerospace series - Beaded L-section extruded, in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Dimensions
BS EN 2048-2001 航空航天系列.铝合金L形挤压型材.尺寸 Aerospace series - Extruded L-section in aluminium alloys - Dimensions
BS EN 2049-2001 航空航天系列.U形铝及铝合金挤压件.尺寸 Aerospace series - Extruded channel section, in aluminium alloys - Dimensions
BS EN 2050-2001 航空航天系列.T形铝及铝合金挤压件.尺寸 Aerospace series - Extruded T-section, in aluminium alloys - Dimensions
BS EN 2066-2002 航空航天系列.铝合金挤制型材.一般公差 Aerospace series - Extruded section in aluminium alloys - General tolerances
BS EN 2070-1-1991 铝和铝合金锻制品规范.技术规范.一般要求 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - General requirements
BS EN 2070-2-1991 铝和铝合金锻制品规范.技术规范.薄板材、带成形的型材和中厚板材 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - Sheet, strip formed profiles and plate
BS EN 2070-3-1991 铝和铝合金锻制品规范.技术规范.棒材和型材 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - Bar and section
BS EN 2070-4-1991 铝和铝合金锻制产品规范.技术规范.结构管材 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - Tube for structures
BS EN 2070-5-1991 铝和铝合金锻制品规范.技术规范.承压用的管材 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - Tube used under pressure
BS EN 2070-6-1991 铝和铝合金锻制品规范.技术规范.铆钉丝材 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - Rivet wire
BS EN 2070-7-1991 铝和铝合金锻制品规范.技术规范.锻坯 Specification for aluminium and aluminium alloy wrought products - Technical specification - Wrought forging stock
BS EN 2071-2002 航空航天系列.铝及铝合金板.厚度为0.25mm a 6mm.尺寸 Aerospace series - Sheets in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Thickness 0,25 mm a 6 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2072-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P1050A型铝合金.H14.薄板材和带材.0.4mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium AL-P1050A - H14 - Sheet and strip - 0, 4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2076-1-1991 铝和镁合金铸锭和铸件.技术规范.一般要求 Aluminium and magnesium alloy ingots and castings - Technical specification - General requirements
BS EN 2076-2-1991 铝和镁合金铸锭和铸件.技术规范.重熔用的铸锭 Aluminium and magnesium alloy ingots and castings - Technical specification - Ingots for remelting
BS EN 2076-3-1991 铝和镁合金铸锭和铸件.技术规范.预生产铸件和生产铸件 Aluminium and magnesium alloy ingots and castings - Technical specification - Pre-production and production castings
BS EN 2082-1-1991 铝合金锻坯和锻件规范.技术规范.一般要求 Specification for aluminium alloy forging stock and forgings - Technical specification - General requirements
BS EN 2082-2-1991 铝合金锻坯和锻件规范.技术规范.锻坯 Specification for aluminium alloy forging stock and forgings - Technical specification - Forging stock
BS EN 2082-3-1991 铝合金锻坯和锻件规范.技术规范.试生产锻件和生产锻件 Specification for aluminium alloy forging stock and forgings - Technical specification - Pre-production and production forgings
BS EN 2085-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-P2618A-T6.手锻和模锻件.a150 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2618A-T6 - Hand and die forgings - a 150 mm
BS EN 2086-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-P2618A-T851.手锻和模锻.a150 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2618A-T851 - Hand and die forgings - a 150 mm
BS EN 2087-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2014A型铝合金.T6或T62.覆层薄板材和带材0.4mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2014A - T6 or T62 - Clad sheet & strip 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2088-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2014A-T4型或AL-P2014A-T42型铝合金.覆层薄板材和带材.0.4mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2014A - T4 or T42 - Clad sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2089-2005 AL-P2014A T6或T62铝合金.0.4mm-6mm的薄板及带材 Aluminium alloy AL-P2014A T6 or T62 - Sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2090-2005 铝合金AL-P2024-T3.覆层薄板和带材.0.3 mm≤a≤6 mm Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T3 - Clad sheet and strip - 0,3 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2092-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7075.T6或T62型铝合金.覆层铝合金板材及带材.0.4mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7075-T6 or T62 - Clad sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2093-1992 AL-P 7009-T74铝合金.20mm≤a≤150mm手工锻件 Aluminium alloy AL-P7009-T74 - Hand forgings 20 mm a 150 mm
BS EN 2094-1992 AL-P 7009-T74铝合金.3mm≤a≤150mm模锻件 Aluminium alloy AL-P7009-T74 - Die forgings 3 mm a 150 mm
BS EN 2100-1992 AL-P2014A-T4511铝合金.a或D≤200mm的挤压棒材和型材 Aluminium alloy AL-P2014A-T4511 - Extruded bars and sections a or D 200 mm
BS EN 2101-1991 铝合金和锻铝合金铬酸阳极化规范 Specification for chromic acid anodizing of aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys
BS EN 2122-1996 经阳极电镀或铬酸盐处理的扁平铝合金垫圈 Washers, flat, in aluminium alloy, anodized or chromated
BS EN 2126-1992 AL-P7075-T651铝合金.6mm≤a≤80mm板材 Aluminium alloy AL-P7075-T651 - Plate 6 mm a 80 mm
BS EN 2127-1992 AL-P7075-T73511铝合金.a或D≤100mm的挤压棒材和型材 Aluminium alloy AL-P7075-T73511 - Extruded bars and sections a or D 100 mm
BS EN 2128-1992 AL-P7075-T7351铝合金.6mm≤a或D≤75mm拉制棒材 Aluminium alloy AL-P7075-T7351 - Drawn bars 6 mm a or D 75 mm
BS EN 2131-2002 航空航天系列.铝合金板.厚度6mm < a> 160mm.尺寸 Aerospace series - Plates in aluminium alloys - Thickness 6 mm a 160 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2134-2002 航空航天系列.铝及铝合金挤制圆棒.直径为10mm D 220mm.尺寸 Aerospace series - Round bars, extruded in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Diameter 10 mm D 220 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2143-1993 1050A型铝制通用头型实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, universal head, in aluminium 1050A, inch based series
BS EN 2144-1994 铝合金2117通用头型实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, universal head, in aluminium alloy 2117, inch based series
BS EN 2145-1994 英制系列的阳极氧化或铬酸盐处理的2117号铝合金通用头实心铆钉 Rivets, solid, universal head, in aluminium alloy 2117, anodized or chromated, inch based series
BS EN 2146-1993 2017A型铝制通用头型实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, universal head, in aluminium alloy 2017A, inch based series
BS EN 2148-1993 5056A型铝制通用头型实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, universal head, in aluminium alloy 5056A, inch based series
BS EN 2149-1996 经阳极电镀或铬酸盐处理的5056A型铝合金通用头型实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, universal head, in aluminium alloy 5056A, anodized or chromated, inch based series
BS EN 2256-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-P2618A-T852.手锻和模锻.a150 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2618A-T852 - Hand and die forgings - a 150 mm
BS EN 2257-1997 铝和铝合金结构用圆管.直径为6mmD100mm.厚度为1mma6mm.尺寸 Circular tubes for structures in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Diameter 6 mm D 100 mm - Thickness 1 mm a 6 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2258-1997 铝和铝合金流体用圆管.直径为3.2mmD100mm.厚度为0.5mma2.5mm.尺寸 Circular tubes for fluids in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Diameter 3,2 mm D 100 mm - Thickness 0,6 mm a 2,5 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2284-1991 铝合金和锻铝合金硫酸阳极化规范 Specification for sulfuric acid anodizing of aluminium and wrought aluminium alloys
BS EN 2285-1990 带自润滑内衬的铝合金普通套管规范.尺寸和负荷 Specification for bushes plain, aluminium alloy with self-lubricating liner - Dimensions and loads
BS EN 2286-1990 带自润滑内衬的铝合金带法兰缘的套管规范.尺寸和负荷 Specification for bushes flanged, aluminium alloy with self-lubricating liner - Dimensions and loads
BS EN 2289-1996 飞行控制用铝合金拉杆.技术规范 Rod bodies in aluminium alloy for flight controls - Technical specification
BS EN 2290-1-1998 飞行控制可调节终端配合铝合金杆.尺寸和荷载 Rod bodies, flight control in aluminium alloy, for adjustable end fittings - Dimensions and loads
BS EN 2318-1992 AL-P2024-T3511铝合金.1,2mm≤a或D≤150mm的挤压棒材和型材 Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T3511 - Extruded bars and sections 1,2 mm a or D 150 mm
BS EN 2326-1992 AL-P6082-T6铝合金.a或D≤200mm的挤压棒材和型材 Aluminium alloy AL-P6082-T6 - Extruded bars and sections a or D 200 mm
BS EN 2334-1997 铝和铝合金铬硫酸液 Chromic-sulphuric acid pickle of aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS EN 2365-1989 铝合金轴环规范 Specification for collars, aluminium alloy
BS EN 2381-1992 AL-P7009-T7452铝合金.40mm≤a≤150mm的手工锻件 Aluminium alloy AL-P7009-T7452 - Hand forgings 40 mm a 150 mm
BS EN 2384-1992 AL-P2014-T6511铝合金.a或D≤150mm的挤压棒材和型材 Aluminium alloy AL-P2014A-T6511 - Extruded bars and sections a or D 150 mm
BS EN 2385-1992 AL-P7009-T74511铝合金.a或D≤125mm的挤压棒材和型材 Aluminium alloy AL-P7009-T74511 - Extruded bars and sections a or D 125 mm
BS EN 2395-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2014A-T4或T42型铝合金.0.4mm≤a≤6mm薄板材和带材 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2014A-T4 or T42 - Sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2422-2005 铝合金AL-P2124-T351.板材.25 mm≤a≤120 mm Aluminium alloy AL-P2124-T351 - Plate - 25 mm a 120 mm
BS EN 2437-2002 航空航天系列.铝及铝合金的铬酸盐转化涂层(黄色) Aerospace series - Chromate conversion coatings (yellow) for aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS EN 2486-2005 航天航空系列.AL-P2618A 型铝合金.锻坯件 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2618A - Forging stock
BS EN 2511-2005 铝合金AL-P7075-T7351.板材.6 mm≤a≤100 mm Aluminium alloy AL-P7075-T7351 - Plate - 6 mm a 100 mm
BS EN 2536-1995 铝合金的硬阳极氧化 Hard anodizing of aluminium alloys
BS EN 2550-1993 1050A型铝制100°标准埋头实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid 100 ° normal countersunk head, in aluminium 1050A, inch based series
BS EN 2551-1993 2117型铝合金制100°标准埋头圆顶实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, 100 ° normal countersunk head with dome, in aluminium alloy 2117, inch based series
BS EN 2552-1993 经阳极氧化或铬酸盐表面处理的2117型铝合金制100°标准埋头圆顶实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, 100 ° normal countersunk head with dome, in aluminium alloy 2117, anodized or chromated, inch based series
BS EN 2553-1993 2017A型铝合金制100°标准埋头圆顶实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, 100 ° normal countersunk head with dome, in aluminium alloy 2017A, inch based series
BS EN 2555-1993 5056A型铝合金制100°标准埋头圆顶实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, 100 ° normal countersunk head with dome, in aluminium alloy 5056A, inch based series
BS EN 2556-1993 经阳极氧化或铬酸盐表面处理的5056A型铝合金制100°标准埋头圆顶实心铆钉.英制系列 Rivets, solid, 100 ° normal countersunk head with dome, in aluminium alloy 5056A, anodized or chromated, inch based series
BS EN 2599-2001 航空航天系列.铝和铝合金带材.厚度0.25mm,3.2mm.尺寸 Aerospace series - Strips in aluminium and aluminium alloys - Thickness 0,25 mm a 3.2 mm - Dimensions
BS EN 2630-1994 AL-P7009-T74511铝合金.对周边粗晶粒控制的a或D为125mm 挤压棒材和型材 Aluminium alloy AL-P7009-T74511 - Extruded bars and sections a or D 125 mm with peripheral coarse grain control
BS EN 2632-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7075型铝合金.T73511.挤压棒材和型材.周边粗晶粒控制a或D≤150mm Aerospace series - Aluminim alloy AL-P7075 - T73511 - Extruded bar and section - a or D 150 mm with peripheral coarse grain control
BS EN 2633-1994 铝合金AL-P2024-T3511.对周边粗晶粒控制的1,2 mm 或D≤150mm挤压棒材和型材. Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T3511 - Extruded bars and sections 1,2 mm a or D 150 mm with peripheral coarse grain control
BS EN 2635-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2014A型铝合金.T6511.挤压棒材和型材.周边粗粒控制a/D≤200mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2014A - T6511 - Extruded bar and section - a or D 200 mm with peripheral coarse grain control
BS EN 2636-1994 铝合金AL-P6082-T6.对周边粗晶粒控制的挤压棒材和型材.a或D≤200mm, Aluminium alloy AL-P6082-T6 - Extruded bars and sections a or D 200 mm with peripheral coarse grain control
BS EN 2680-2006 航空航天系列.MoS2润滑镉镀层铝合金双耳游动自调自锁托板螺母.等级:900MPa(室温)/235℃ Nuts, anchor, self-locking, floating, self-aligning, two lug, in alloy steel, cadmium plated, MoS2 lubricated - Classification: 900 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 235 °C
BS EN 2681-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-P7010-T74.手锻和模锻.a150 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7010-T74 - Hand and die forgings - a 150 mm
BS EN 2684-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-P7010-T7651.板材.6mma140mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7010-T7651 - Plate - 6 mm a 140 mm
BS EN 2687-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-P7010-T7451.板材.6mma160mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7010-T7451 - Plate - 6 mm a 160 mm
BS EN 2693-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P5086-H111型铝合金.0.3mm≤a≤6mm 薄板材和带材 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P5086-H111 - Sheet and strip - 0,3 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2694-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P6061-T6或T62铝合金.0.4mm≤a≤6mm 薄板和带材 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P6061-T6 or T62 - Sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2695-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P6081-T6型铝合金.0.3mm≤a≤6mm薄板材和带材 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P6081-T6 - Sheet and strip - 0,3 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2696-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7075-T6或T62型铝合金.0.4mm≤a≤6mm薄板材和带材 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7075-T6 or T62 - Sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2702-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金.AL-P6061-T6或T62.拉拔或挤压棒材和型材.a/D≤200mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy - AL-P6061 - T6 or T62 - Drawn or extruded bar and section - a or D 200 mm
BS EN 2703-2005 铝合金AL-P2024-T4或T42.覆层薄板和带材.0.3 mm≤a≤6 mm Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T4 or T42 - Clad sheet and strip - 0,3 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2802-2005 铝合金AL-P7475-T761.薄板和带材.0.6 mm≤a≤6 mm Aluminium alloy AL-P7475-T761 - Sheet and strip - 0,6 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 2803-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7475-T761型铝合金.覆层薄板材和带材.1.0mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7475-T761 - Clad sheet and strip - 1,0 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 286-4-1995 装空气或氮气用的不点火加热的一般压力容器.第4部分:用于铁路运输车辆空气制动和辅助气动设备的铝合金压力 Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen - Aluminium alloy pressure vessels designed for air braking equipment and auxiliary pneumatic equipment for railway rolling stock
BS EN 2912-1996 经阳极化或铬酸钝化处理的铝合金大直径扁平垫圈 Washers, flat, large diameter, in aluminium alloy, anodized or chromated
BS EN 3332-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7475-T762型铝合金.覆层铝合金薄板材和带材.1.0mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7475-T762 - Clad sheet and strip - 1,0 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 3333-2005 铝合金AL-P7475-T762.薄板和带材.0.6 mm≤a≤6 mm Aluminium alloy AL-P7475-T762 - Sheet and strip - 0,6 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 3335-2005 铝合金AL-P7475-O2.超塑性成型用薄板(SPF).0.8 mm≤a≤6 mm Aluminium alloy AL-P7475-O2 - Sheet for superplastic forming (SPF) - 0,8 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 3338-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7050型铝合金.T74511.挤压棒材和型材.周边粗粒控制a/D≤150 mm Aerospace series - Aluminim alloy AL-P7050 - T74511 - Extruded bar and section - a or D 150 mm with peripheral coarse grain control
BS EN 3339-2006 航空航天系列.AL-P7010-T76型铝合金.压模锻件.a≤200mm Aerospace series — Aluminium alloy AL-P7010- — T76 — Die forgings — a u 200 mm
BS EN 3341-2005 铝合金AL-P6061-T4或T42.薄板和带材.0.4 mm≤a≤6 mm Aluminium alloy AL-P6061-T4 or T42 - Sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 3342-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P6061型铝合金.T4或T42.拉拔或挤压棒材和型材.a/D≤150mm Aerospace series - Aluminim alloy AL-P6061 - T4 or T42 - Drawn or extruded bar and section - a or D 150 mm
BS EN 3344-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7050型铝合金.T76511.挤压棒材和型材.周边粗粒控制a或D≤150mm Aerospace series - Aluminim alloy AL-P7050 - T76511 - Extruded bar and section - a or D $3l 150 mm with peripheral coarse grain control
BS EN 3347-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2024型铝合金.T8511.挤压棒材和型材.周边粗粒控制a/D≤150mm Aerospace series - Aluminim alloy AL-P2024 - T8511 - Extruded bar and section - a or D 150 mm with peripheral coarse grain control
BS EN 3474-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2024-T81型铝合金.薄板材和带材.0.25mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T81 - Sheet and strip - 0,25 mm $3l a 6 mm
BS EN 3475-514-2007 航空航天系列.航空器用电缆.试验方法.铝绞线上镀铜的孔隙率 Aerospace series - Cables, electrical, aircraft use - Test methods - Porosity of copper cladding on aluminium strands
BS EN 3552-2005 铝合金AL-P2618A-T6或T62.覆层薄板和带材.0.4 mm≤a≤6 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2618A-T6 or T62 - Clad sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 3553-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-P2618A-T6511.挤制棒材和型材.a或D160mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2618A-T6511 - Extruded bar and section - a or D 160 mm
BS EN 3665-1997 清漆和涂料检验方法.铝合金耐纤维状腐蚀检验 Test methods for paints and varnishes - Filiform corrosion resistance test on aluminium alloys
BS EN 3719-2005 电缆的铝或铝合金导体.产品标准 Aluminium or aluminium alloy conductors for electrical cables — Product standard
BS EN 3730-2001 航空航天系列..鞍座形夹子.带橡胶弹性垫料的铝合金的固定式滑动型.尺寸.质量 Aerospace series - Clamps, saddle - Fixed and sliding version in aluminium alloy with rubber cushioning - Dimensions - Masses
BS EN 3869-2004 航空航天系列.管连接件、松套法兰和密封件.碳氟化合物橡胶密封件和铝合金保护壳 Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, loose flanges and seals - Seals in fluorocarbon rubber and armature in aluminium alloy
BS EN 3872-2005 航空航天系列.AL-R39002-H112型铝合金.模锻件.a≤200mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-R39002-H112 - Die forgings - a 200mm
BS EN 3979-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P8090-O2型铝合金.超塑性成型(SPF)用薄板材.0.8mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P8090-O2 - Sheet for superplastic forming (SPF) - 0,8 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 3997-2007 航空航天系列.AL-P2024-T3型铝合金.薄板材和带材.0.4mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T3 - Sheet and strip 0,4 mm $3Q a $3Q 6 mm
BS EN 3998-2007 航空航天系列.AL-P2024-T4或T42型铝合金.薄板材和带材.0.3mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T4 or T42 - Sheet and strip - 0,3 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 3999-2007 航空航天系列.AL-P2024-T351型铝合金.改进的化学铣削性能1.6mm≤a≤6mm的薄板材和带材 Aerospace series — Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T351 — Sheet and strip with improved chemical milling capability 1,6 mm ≤ 6 mm
BS EN 40-6-2002 灯柱.铝灯柱的要求 Lighting columns - Requirements for aluminium lighting columns
BS EN 4001-2007 航空航天系列.AL-P2024-T351型铝合金.改进的化学铣削性能1.6mm≤a≤6mm的镀铝薄板材和带材 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T351 - Clad sheet and strip with improved chemical milling capability 1,6 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4002-2007 航空航天系列.AL-P2219-T81型铝合金.0.5mm≤a≤6mm的薄板材和带材 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2219-T81 - Sheet and strip 0,5 mm ≤ a ≤ 6 mm
BS EN 4003-2006 航空航天系列.AL-P2219-T87型铝合金.0.5mm≤a≤6mm的薄板材和带材 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2219-T87 - Sheet and strip 0,5 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4004-2007 航空航天系列.AL-P3103-H16型铝合金.薄板材和带材.0.4mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P3103-H16 - Sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4005-2007 航空航天系列.AL-P5052-O型铝合金.薄板材和带材.0.3mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P5052-O - Sheet and strip 0, 3 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4006-2007 航空航天系列.AL-P6082-T4或T42型铝合金.薄板材和带材.0.4mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P6082-T4 or T42 - Sheet and strip 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4007-2005 铝合金AL-P6082-T6或T62.薄板和带材.0.4 mm≤a≤6 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P6082-T6 or T62 - Sheet and strip - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4049-003-2006 航空航天系列.热电偶膨胀电缆.工作温度为65℃~260℃.第003部分:单芯镍铬/镍铝电缆.产品标准 Aerospace series - Thermocouple extension cable - Operating temperatures between p 65 °C to 260 °C - Part 003: Single core nickel chromium/nickel aluminium - Product standard
BS EN 4049-004-2006 航空航天系列.热电偶膨胀电缆.工作温度在65℃~260℃之间.第004部分:双芯镍铬/镍铝屏蔽电缆和护套电缆.产品 Aerospace series - Thermocouple extension cable - Operating temperatures between p 65 °C to 260 °C - Part 004: Two core nickel chromium/nickel aluminium shielded and jacketed - Product standard
BS EN 4054-2004 航空航天系列.管连接件、松套法兰和密封件.碳氟化合物橡胶密封件和铝合金保护壳.技术规范 Aerospace series - Pipe couplings, loose flanges and seals - Seals in fluorocarbon rubber and armature in aluminium alloy - Technical specification
BS EN 4099-2005 铝合金AL-P2219-T6或T62.覆层薄板和带材.0.5 mm≤a≤6 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2219-T6 or T62 - Clad sheet and strip - 0,5 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4100-2005 铝合金AL-P2219-T6或T62.薄板和带材.0.5 mm≤a≤6 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2219-T6 or T62 - Sheet and strip - 0,5 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4101-2005 铝合金AL-P2024-T4.改进拉伸成形性能的薄板和带材.0.4 mm≤a≤6 mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T4 - Sheet and strip with improved stretch forming capability - 0,4 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4102-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2219-T81型铝合金.覆层薄板材和带材.0.5mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2219-T81 - Clad sheet and strip - 0,5 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4114-2001 航空航天系列.带橡胶衬料的铝合金环形卡箍("P"型).尺寸和质量 Aerospace series - Clamps, loop ("P" type) in aluminium alloy with rubber cushioning - Dimensions and masses
BS EN 4174-2006 航天航空系列.阳极电镀或铬酸盐处理铝合金2024米制系列、连接模压锁紧凹头紧固件 Collars, swage locking, sheartype, in aluminium alloy 2024, anodized or chromated, metric series
BS EN 4176-2005 航空航天系列.紧公差TI-P64001钛合金制阳极电镀或铝质有色覆层100°正常或沉头紧固/凹头锁紧螺栓.TI-P99002 Aerospace series - Lockbolts, 100 ° countersunk normal head or protruding head, tension-/ sheartype, close tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, anodized or with aluminium pigmented coating - Collars in titanium TI-P99002 or aluminium alloy 2024 - Metric series - Technical specification
BS EN 4202-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P6082-T651型铝合金.板材.6mm<a≤25mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P6082-T651 - Plate - 6 mm a 25 mm
BS EN 4203-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P8090-T89型铝合金.薄板材.0.6mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P8090-T89 - Sheet - 0,6 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4204-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P8090-T841型铝合金.薄板材.0.6mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P8090 - T841 - Sheet - 0,6 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4209-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2219-T851型铝合金.厚板材. 6mm<a ≤50mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2219-T851 - Plate - 6 mm a 50 mm
BS EN 4211-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2024-T42型铝合金.覆层板材.6mm<a≤25mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T42 - Clad plate - 6mm a 25mm
BS EN 4212-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P5086-H111型铝合金.板材.6mm<a≤80mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P5086-H111 - Plate - 6mm a 8 0mm
BS EN 4213-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P6061-T651型铝合金.板材.6mm<a≤80mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P6061-T651 - Plate - 6mm a 80mm
BS EN 4214-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7010-T651型铝合金.板材.6mm<a≤20mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7010-T651 - Plate - 6 mm a 20 mm
BS EN 4215-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7175-T651型铝合金.板材.6mm<a≤80mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7175-T651 - Plate - 6 mm a 80 mm
BS EN 4247-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2024-T42型铝合金.板材.6mm<a≤140mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2024-T42 - Plate - 6 mm a 140 mm
BS EN 4283-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P2219-T87型铝合金.板材.6mm≤a≤40mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P2219-T87 - Plate - 6 mm a 40 mm
BS EN 4286-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P8090-T89型铝合金.模锻件.a≤125mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P8090-T89 - Die forgings - a 125 mm
BS EN 4287-2005 航天航空系列.AL-P7010型铝合金.锻坯件 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7010 - Forging stock
BS EN 4291-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-P8090.锻造坯料 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P8090 - Forging stock
BS EN 4292-2005 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-R39002.锻造坯料 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-R39002 - Forging stock
BS EN 4312-2006 航空航天系列.带有铝涂料涂层的耐热和耐腐蚀钢制中等长度螺纹的粗公差异径柱螺纹.等级:1100MPa(室温)/315℃ Aerospace series - Studs, coarse tolerance reduced shank, medium length thread, in heat and corrosion resisting steel, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 °C
BS EN 4313-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P6013-T6型铝合金.薄板材和带材.0.5mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium aloy AL-P6013-T6 - Sheet and strip - 0,5 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4324-2002 航空航天系列.AL-W42201铝合金.焊接用填充金属.焊条 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-W42201 - Filler metal for welding - Rod
BS EN 4341-2001 航空航天系列.铝合金AL-W46431.焊接填充金属.金属丝和焊条 Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-W46431 - Filler metal for welding - Wire and rod
BS EN 4401-2006 航空航天系列.紧公差TI-P64001铝制有色覆层的米制钛合金杆沉头、凹头锁紧螺栓.分类:1100 MPa / 315 °C(周 Lockbolts, protruding head, sheartype, close tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 °C
BS EN 4402-2006 航空航天系列.TI-P64001钛合金带有铝热镀涂层、米制系列、紧公差、剪切型、标称100°沉头锁紧螺栓.等级:110 Aerospace series - Lockbolts, 100 ° countersunk normal head, sheartype, close tolerance, in titanium alloy TI-P64001,with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 °C
BS EN 4449-2005 AL-P7050-T76型铝合金.薄板材.0.8mm≤a≤6mm Aluminium alloy AL-P7050 - T76 - Sheet - 0,8 mm ≤ a ≤ 6 mm
BS EN 4450-2005 航空航天系列.AL-P7050-T762型铝合金.薄板材.0.8mm≤a≤6mm Aerospace series - Aluminium alloy AL-P7050-T762 - Sheet - 0,8 mm a 6 mm
BS EN 4495-2006 航空航天系列.米制系列带有铝涂料涂层的阳极处理的钛合金短螺纹紧公差标准杆、标准六角头螺栓.等级:1100MPa Aerospace series - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, close tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 °C
BS EN 4496-2005 航空航天系列.有色铝涂层、阳极化的、钛合金、短螺纹、紧公差标称杆、偏位十字凹槽沉头标称100 °螺钉.等级 Aerospace series - Screws, 100 ° countersunk normal head, offset cruciform recess, close tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 °C
BS EN 4497-2005 航空航天系列.有色铝涂层、阳极化的、钛合金、短螺纹、紧公差标称杆、偏位十字凹槽平头螺钉.等级:1100MPa( Aerospace series - Screws, pan head, offset cruciform recess, close tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 °C
BS EN 4498-2005 航空航天系列.有色铝涂层、钝化的、耐热镍基合金、中等长度螺纹、紧公差标称杆、大双六角头螺栓.等级:1550M Aerospace series - Bolts, large bihexagonal head, close tolerance normal shank, medium length thread, in heat resisting nickel base alloy, passivated, with aluminium pigmented coating - Classification: 1 550 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 °C
BS EN 4501-2006 航空航天系列.带镀铝涂层的阳极电镀钛合金短螺纹紧公差标准柄正六角头螺栓、米制系列.等级:1100MPa(室温)/3 Aerospace series - Bolts, normal hexagonal head, close tolerance normal shank, short thread, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series - Classification: 1100 MPa (at ambient temperature) / 315 °C
BS EN 4509-2006 航空航天系列.带镀铝涂层阳极氧化的钛合金螺纹延伸到螺头100°沉头偏置十字凹槽螺钉、米制系列.等级:1100MP Screws, 100 ° countersunk normal head, offset cruciform recess, threaded to head, in titanium alloy, anodized, with aluminium pigmented coating, metric series - Classification: 1 100 MPa (at ambient temperature)/315 °C
BS EN 485-1-2008 铝和铝合金.薄板材、带材和厚板材.检验和交货技术条件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Sheet, strip and plate — Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 485-2-2008 铝和铝合金.薄板材、带材和厚板材.机械性能 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and plate - Mechanical properties
BS EN 485-3-2003 铝和铝合金.片材、带材和板材.热轧制品的形状和尺寸公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and plate - Tolerances on dimensions and form for hot-rolled products
BS EN 485-4-1994 铝和铝合金.薄板材、带材和板材.冷轧制品的形状和尺寸公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Sheet, strip and plate - Tolerances on shape and dimensions for cold-rolled products
BS EN 486-1994 铝和铝合金.挤压铸锭.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Extrusion ingots - Specifications
BS EN 487-1994 铝和铝合金.滚轧锭.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Rolling ingots - Specifications
BS EN 50069-1991+A1-1993 充气式高压开关装置和控制器用铸造和锻造铝合金的焊接复合封闭物用规范 Specification for welded composite enclosures of cast and wrought aluminium alloys for gas-filled high- voltage switchgear and controlgear
BS EN 50183-2000 架空导线.铝镁硅合金导线 Conductors for overhead lines - Aluminium-magnesium-silicon alloy wires
BS EN 507-2000 金属屋面板.铝制全支撑屋顶产品规范 Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification for fully supported roofing products of aluminium sheet
BS EN 508-1-2000 金属制屋面产品.钢,铝和不锈钢薄板材自撑式产品规范.钢 Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification for self-supporting products of steel, aluminium or stainless steel sheet - Steel
BS EN 508-2-2000 金属制屋面产品.钢,铝和不锈钢薄板材自撑式产品规范.铝 Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification for self-supporting products of steel, aluminium or stainless steel sheet - Aluminium
BS EN 508-3-2000 金属制屋面产品.钢,铝和不锈钢薄板材自撑式产品规范.不锈钢 Roofing products from metal sheet - Specification for self-supporting products of steel, aluminium or stainless steel sheet - Stainless steel
BS EN 515-1993 铝和铝合金.锻制品.回火标志 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products - Temper designations
BS EN 541-2006 铝和铝合金.金属罐、密封物和盖子用轧制品.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Rolled products for cans, closures and lids — Specifications
BS EN 546-1-2006 铝和铝合金.箔.第1部分:检验和交付用技术条件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Foil - Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 546-2-2006 铝和铝合金.第2部分:箔.机械性能 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Part 2: Foil - Mechanical properties
BS EN 546-3-2006 铝和铝合金.箔.第3部分:尺寸公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Foil - Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions
BS EN 546-4-2006 铝和铝合金.箔.第4部分:特殊性能要求 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Foil - Part 4: Special property requirements
BS EN 570-2007 铝和铝合金.锻造冲挤金属棒.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Impact extrusion slugs obtained from wrought products - Specification
BS EN 573-1-2004 铝和铝合金.锻制产品化学组成和外形.数字标示系统 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and form of wrought products - Numerical designation system
BS EN 573-2-1995 铝和铝合金.锻制产品的化学成分和外形.基于化学标志的命名系统 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition and form of wrought products - Chemical symbol based designation system
BS EN 573-3-2007 铝和铝合金.锻制品的化学成分和形状.产品的化学成分和形状 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Chemical composition and form of wrought products — Part 3: Chemical composition and form of products
BS EN 573-5-2007 铝和铝合金.锻制品的化学成分和形状.第5部分:标准锻制品汇编 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Chemical composition and form of wrought products — Part 5: Codification of standardized wrought products
BS EN 575-1996 铝和铝合金.熔铸母合金.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Master alloys produced by melting - Specifications
BS EN 576-2003 铝和铝合金.再熔非合金铝锭.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Unalloyed aluminium ingots for remelting - Specifications
BS EN 577-1996 铝和铝合金.液体金属.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Liquid metal - Specifications
BS EN 586-1-1998 铝和铝合金.锻件.检验和交付技术状态 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Forgings - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 586-2-1994 铝和铝合金.锻件.机械特性和附加特性要求 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Forgings - Mechanical properties and additional property requirements
BS EN 586-3-2002 铝和铝合金.锻件.尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Forgings - Tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 601-2004 铝和铝合金.铸件.与食品接触用铸件的化学成分 Aluminum and aluminium alloys - Castings - Chemical composition of castings for use in contact with foodstuff
BS EN 602-2004 铝和铝合金.锻件.与食品接触的产品制造用半成品的化学成分 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought products - Chemical composition of semi-finished products used for the fabrication of articles for use in contact with foodstuff
BS EN 603-1-1997 铝及铝合金.锻坯.检验和交付技术状态 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought forging stock - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 603-2-1997 铝及铝合金.锻坯.机械性能 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought forging stock - Mechanical properties
BS EN 603-3-2000 铝及铝合金.锻坯.尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Wrought forging stock - Tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 60317-0-3-2008 特殊型绕组线规范.通用要求.漆包圆铝线 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - General requirements - Enamelled round aluminium wire
BS EN 60317-15-2004 特种绕组线规范.聚酯酰亚胺漆包圆铝线(180级) Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Polyesterimide enamelled round aluminium wire, class 180
BS EN 60317-25-1993 特种绕线规范.200级涂覆有聚酯或聚酰胺酯的聚酰胺-酰亚胺漆包圆铝线 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Polyester or polyesterimide overcoated with polyamide-imide enamelled round aluminium wire, class 200
BS EN 60384-18-2-2007 电子设备用固定电容器.空白详细规范.带非固体电解质的铝电解表面安装固定电容器.评定等级EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Blank detail specification - Fixed aluminium electrolytic surface mount capacitors with non-solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
BS EN 60384-25-1-2006 电子设备用固定电容器.空白详细规范.带导电聚合固体电解质的表面安装固定铝电解电容器.评定级EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Blank detail specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte - Assessment level EZ
BS EN 60384-25-2006 电子设备用固定电容器.分规范.带导电聚合固体电解质的表面安装固定铝电解电容器 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Sectional specification - Surface mount fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with conductive polymer solid electrolyte
BS EN 60384-4-1-2007 电子设备用固定电容器.空白详细规范.带非固体电解质的铝电解固定电容器.评估等级EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4-1: Blank detail specification — Fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte — Assessment level EZ
BS EN 60384-4-2-2007 电子设备用固定电容器.空白详细规范.固体(MnO2)电解质的铝电解固定电容器.评估等级EZ Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment — Part 4-2: Blank detail specification — Fixed aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid (MnO2) electrolyte — Assessment level EZ
BS EN 60384-4-2007 电子设备用固定电容器.第4部分:分规范.采用固体二氧化锰(MnO2)和非固体电解质的铝电解电容器 Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Part 4: Sectional specification — Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with solid (MnO2) and non-solid electrolyte
BS EN 604-1-1997 铝及铝合金.铸锻件坯.检查和交付技术状态 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cast forging stock - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 604-2-1997 铝及铝合金.铸锻件坯.尺寸和形位公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cast forging stock - Tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 60889-1997 架空线导线用硬拉制铝线 Hard drawn aluminium wire for overhead line conductors
BS EN 61232-1997 电气用包铝钢丝 Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes
BS EN 683-1-2006 铝和铝合金.叶片坯料.第1部分:检验和交付技术条件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Finstock. Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 683-2-2006 铝和铝合金.散热片坯料.第2部分:机械特性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Finstock - Part 2: Mechanical properties
BS EN 683-3-2006 铝和铝合金.散热片坯料.第3部分:尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Finstock - Part 3: Tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 725-1-2007 高级工业陶瓷.陶瓷粉末的试验方法.第1部分:氧化铝中杂质的测定 Advanced technical ceramics — Methods of test for ceramic powders — Part 1: Determination of impurities in alumina
BS EN 725-4-2006 高级工业陶瓷.陶瓷粉末试验方法.用X射线荧光光谱(XRF)分析法测定氮化铝中氧含量 Advanced technical ceramics - Methods of test for ceramic powders - Determination of oxygen content in aluminium nitride by XRF analysis
BS EN 754-1-2008 铝和铝合金.冷拉杆材/棒材和管材.检验和交货用技术条件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cold drawn rod/bar and tube - Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 754-2-2008 铝和铝合金.冷拉杆材/棒材和管材.机械特性 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Cold drawn rod/bar and tube — Part 2: Mechanical properties
BS EN 754-3-2008 铝和铝合金.冷拉杆材/棒材和管材.圆棒材的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Cold drawn rod/bar and tube — Part 3: Round bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-4-2008 铝和铝合金.冷拉杆材/棒材和管材.方棒材的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Cold drawn rod/bar and tube — Part 4: Square bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-5-2008 铝和铝合金.冷拉杆材/棒材和管材.矩形棒材尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Cold drawn rod/bar and tube — Part 5: Rectangular bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-6-2008 铝和铝合金.冷拉杆材/棒材和管材.六角形棒材的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Cold drawn rod/bar and tube — Part 6: Hexagonal bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-7-2008 铝和铝合金.冷拉杆材/棒材和管材.无缝管尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Cold drawn rod/bar and tube — Part 7: Seamless tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 754-8-2008 铝和铝合金.冷拉杆材/棒材和管材.出水孔管材尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Cold drawn rod/bar and tube - Porthole tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-1-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压杆材/棒材、管材和型材.检验和交货技术条件 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 1: Technical conditions for inspection and delivery
BS EN 755-2-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压杆材/棒材、管材和型材.机械性能 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 2: Mechanical properties
BS EN 755-3-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压杆材/棒材、管材和型材.圆棒材的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 3: Round bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-4-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压的杆材/棒材、管材和型材.方棒材的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 4: Square bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-5-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压的杆材/棒材、管材和型材.矩形棒材的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 5: Rectangular bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-6-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压的杆材/棒材、管材和型材.六角形棒材的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 6: Hexagonal bars, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-7-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压的杆材/棒材、管材和型材.无缝管的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 7: Seamless tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-8-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压的杆材/棒材、管材和型材.出水孔管的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 8: Porthole tubes, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 755-9-2008 铝和铝合金.挤压杆材/棒材、管材及型材.型材的尺寸和形状公差 Aluminium and aluminium alloys — Extruded rod/bar, tube and profiles — Part 9: Profiles, tolerances on dimensions and form
BS EN 851-1996 铝和铝合金.锻制品.烹调器具用圆形材料和圆坯料规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Circle and circle stock for the production of culinary utensils - Specifications
BS EN 878-2004 人类生活用水处理用化学试剂.硫酸铝 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium sulfate
BS EN 881-2004 人类用水处理的化学试剂.氯化铝(单体)、羟基氯化铝(单体)和羟基硫酸盐氯化铝(单体) Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium chloride (monomeric), aluminium chloride hydroxide (monomeric) and aluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate (monomeric)
BS EN 882-2004 人类用水处理的化学试剂.铝酸钠 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Sodium aluminate
BS EN 883-2004 人类用水处理的化学试剂.聚羟基氯化铝和聚羟基硫酸盐氯化铝 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Polyaluminium chloride hydroxide and polyaluminium chloride hydroxide sulfate
BS EN 885-2004 人类用水处理的化学试剂.聚羟基硅酸盐氯化铝 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Polyaluminium chloride hydroxide silicate
BS EN 886-2004 人类用水处理的化学试剂.聚羟基硅酸盐硫酸铝 Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Polyaluminium hydroxide silicate sulfate
BS EN 887-2004 人类用水处理的化学试剂.硫酸铝铁(III) Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium iron (III) sulfate
BS EN 935-2004 人类用水处理的化学试剂.氯化铝铁(III)(单体)和羟基氯化铝铁(III)(单体) Chemicals used for treatment of water intended for human consumption - Aluminium iron(III) chloride (monomeric) and aluminium iron(III) chloride hydroxide (monomeric)
BS EN 941-1996 铝和铝合金.圆形材料和圆坯料的通用要求.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Circle and circle stock for general applications - Specifications
BS EN ISO 10042-2006 焊接.铝和铝合金弧焊接头.缺陷质量分级 Welding - Arc-welded joints in aluminium and its alloys - Quality levels for imperfections
BS EN ISO 10081-1-2003 致密成型耐火产品的分类.硅酸铝 Classification of dense shaped refractory products - Alumina-silica
BS EN ISO 105-X01-1996 纺织品.色牢度试验.第X01部分:耐碳化色牢度.氯化铝法 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness - Colour fastness to carbonizing: Aluminium chloride
BS EN ISO 11126-10-2000 涂装油漆和有关产品前钢材预处理.喷射清理用非金属磨料规范.铁铝石榴石 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Almandite garnet
BS EN ISO 11126-7-2001 涂料和相关制品使用前钢衬底的制备.非金属喷砂清理磨料的规范.熔融氧化铝规范 Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blast-cleaning abrasives - Specification for fused aluminium oxide
BS EN ISO 11846-1996 金属和合金的腐蚀.溶解热处理铝合金抗粒间腐蚀的测定 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of solution heat- treatable aluminium alloys
BS EN ISO 12020-2000 水的质量.铝的测定.原子吸收光谱法 Water quality - Determination of aluminium - Atomic absorption spectrometric methods
BS EN ISO 12215-3-2002 小艇.船体构造和船材尺寸.材料.钢、铝合金、木材及其它材料 Small craft - Hull construction and scantlings - Materials - Steel, aluminium alloys, wood, other materials
BS EN ISO 13919-2-2001 焊接.电子和激光束焊接接头.缺陷的质量分级指南.铝及其可焊合金 Welding - Electron and laser beam welded joints - Guidance on quality levels for imperfections - Aluminium and its weldable alloys
BS EN ISO 14713-1999 铁和钢结构的防腐.锌和铝涂层.指南 Protection against corrosion of iron and steel in structures - Zinc and aluminium coatings - Guidelines
BS EN ISO 15329-2006 金属和合金的腐蚀.可热处理的铝合金粒间腐蚀敏感性的评估用阳极试验 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Anodic test for evaluation of intergranular corrosion susceptibility of heat-treatable aluminium alloys
BS EN ISO 15546-2007 石油和天然气工业.铝合金钻杆 Petroleum and natural gas industries - Aluminium alloy drill pipe
BS EN ISO 15547-2-2005 石油、石化和天然气工业.板式热交换器.铜焊铝板热交换器 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Plate-type heat exchangers - Brazed aluminium plate-fin heat exchangers
BS EN ISO 15614-2-2005 金属材料焊接过程的规范和鉴定.焊接过程试验.铝及其合金的电弧焊 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Arc welding of aluminium and its alloys
BS EN ISO 15614-4-2005 金属材料焊接过程的规范和鉴定.焊接过程试验.铝铸件的精焊接 Specification and qualification of welding procedures for metallic materials - Welding procedure test - Finishing welding of aluminium castings
BS EN ISO 18273-2004 焊接消耗品.铝和铝合金焊接用丝状电极、焊丝和焊条.分类 Welding consumables - Wire electrodes, wires and rods for welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Classification
BS EN ISO 18594-2007 电阻点焊、凸焊和缝隙焊接.测定铝和钢材料跃迁电阻的方法 Resistance spot-, projection- and seam-welding - Method for determining the transition resistance on aluminium and steel material
BS EN ISO 18595-2007 电阻焊接.铝和铝合金的点焊.可焊性、焊接和测试 Resistance welding - Spot welding of aluminium and aluminium alloys - Weldability, welding and testing
BS EN ISO 2063-2005 热喷镀.金属和其他无机覆层.锌、铝及其合金 Thermal spraying - Metallic and other inorganic coatings - Zinc, aluminium and their alloys
BS EN ISO 21587-1-2007 硅酸铝耐熔制品的化学分析(可选择X射线荧光法).仪器、试剂、硅石的分解和重量测定 Chemical analysis of aluminosilicate refractory products (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method) - Apparatus, reagents, dissolution and gravimetric silica
BS EN ISO 21587-2-2007 硅酸铝耐熔制品的化学分析(可选择X射线荧光法).湿化学分析 Chemical analysis of aluminosilicate refractory products (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method) - Wet chemical analysis
BS EN ISO 21587-3-2007 硅酸铝耐熔制品的化学分析(可选择X射线荧光法).感应耦合等离子体和原子吸收光谱测定法 Chemical analysis of aluminosilicate refractory products (alternative to the X-ray fluorescence method) - Inductively coupled plasma and atomic absorption spectrometry methods
BS EN ISO 3262-16-2000 油漆调和料.规范和试验方法.氢氧化铝 Extenders for paints - Specifications and methods of test - Aluminium hydroxides
BS EN ISO 3262-18-2000 涂料填充剂.规范和试验方法.沉淀硅铝酸钠 Extenders for paints - Specifications and methods of test - Precipitated sodium aluminium silicate
BS EN ISO 3613-2001 锌,镉,铝-锌合金和锌铝合金的铬酸盐转化镀层.试验方法 Chromate conversion coatings on zinc, cadmium, aluminium-zinc alloys and zinc-aluminium alloys - Test methods
BS EN ISO 4623-2-2004 色漆和清漆.耐丝状腐蚀的测定.铝衬底 Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to filiform corrosion - Aluminium substrates
BS EN ISO 8362-3-2003 注射液容器及附件.注射小瓶用的铝盖 Injection containers and accessories - Aluminium caps for injection vials
BS EN ISO 8536-3-1999 医用输液设备.输液瓶的铝制瓶盖 Infusion equipment for medical use - Aluminium caps for infusion bottles
BS EN ISO 8872-2003 输血、输液及注射瓶的铝盖.一般要求和试验方法 Aluminium caps for transfusion, infusion and injection bottles - General requirements and test methods
BS EN ISO 9606-2-2004 焊工的认可试验.熔焊.铝和铝合金 Qualification test of welders - Fusion welding - Aluminium and aluminium alloys
BS EN ISO 9692-3-2001 焊接和相关工艺.接头的准备.铝及其合金的金属极惰性气体保护焊和钨极惰性气体保护焊 Welding and allied processes - Joint preparation - Metal inert gas welding and tungsten inert gas welding of aluminium and its alloys
BS F 139-1989 航空航天用渗铝聚氯丁橡胶的尼龙织物(350g/m**2)规范 Specification for aluminized polychloroprene rubber-coated nylon fabric (350 g/m2) for aerospace purposes
BS G 184 to G 188-1964 航空用六角形压合铝制电缆的铝接线板端头和嵌入式连接器规范 Specification for aluminium terminal ends and in-line connectors for hexagonal crimping to aircraft aluminium electrical cables
BS HC 502-1981 铜基铝-镍-铁合金铸件规范(620MPa)(铝9.5、镍5、铁5) Specification for copper base aluminium-nickel-iron alloy castings (620 MPa) (Al 9.5, Ni 5, Fe 5)
BS HR 10-1972 镍-钴-铬-钼-钛-铝耐合金坯锭、棒材、锻件和零件(镍基、Co20、Cr20、Mo5.9、Ti2.1、Al0.5)规范 Specification for nickel-cobalt-chromium-molybdenum-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy billets, bars, forgings and parts (nickel base, Co 20, Cr 20, Mo 5.9, Ti 2.1, Al 0.5)
BS HR 206-1973 镍-钴-铬-钼-钛-铝耐热合金板材、薄板材和带材(镍基、Co20、Cr20、Mo5.9、Ti2.1、Al0.5)规范 Specification for nickel-cobalt-chromium-molybdenum-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy plate, sheet and strip (nickel base, Co 20, Cr 20, Mo 5.9, Ti 2.1, Al 0.5)
BS HR 207-1973 镍-铁-铬-钼-铝-钛耐热合金板材、薄板材和带材(Ni/Co43.5、Cr16.5、Mo3.3、Al1.2、Ti1.2、Fe余量)规范 Specification for nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum-aluminium-titanium heat-resisting alloy plate, sheet and strip (Ni/Co 43.5, Cr 16.5, Mo 3.3, Al 1.2, Ti 1.2, Fe remainder)
BS HR 209-1989 镍-铬-钴-钼-钛-铝耐热合金薄板材、带材和板材:软化的(镍基、Cr18、Co14、 Mo7、Ti2.2、Al2.1)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-cobalt-molybdenum-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy sheet, strip and plate: softened (nickel base, Cr 18, Co 14, Mo 7, Ti 2.2, Al 2.1)
BS HR 3-1972 镍-钴-铬-钼-钛-铝耐热合金坯锭、棒材、锻件和部件规范(镍基、Co20、Cr14.8、Mo05、Al4.7、Ti1.2) Specification for nickel-cobalt-chromium-molybdenum-aluminium-titanium heat-resisting alloy billets, bars, forgings and parts (nickel base, Co 20, Cr 14. 8, Mo 5, Al 4.7, Ti 1.2)
BS HR 4-1972 镍-铬-钴-铝-钼-钛耐热合金坯锭、棒材、锻件和部件规范(镍基Cr 15、Co 14.2、Al 5、Mo 4、Ti 4) Specification for nickel-chromium-cobalt-aluminium-molybdenum-titanium heat-resisting alloy billets, bars, forgings and parts (nickel base, Cr 15, Co 14. 2, Al 5, Mo 4, Ti 4)
BS HR 402-1973 冷加工和软化的无缝镍铬钴钛铝耐热合金管(镍基、Cr19.5、Co18.0、Ti2.5、Al1.5)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-cobalt-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy cold worked and softened seamless tubes (nickel base, Cr 19.5, Co 18.0, Ti 2.5, Al 1.5)
BS HR 404-1973 冷加工溶液处理的无缝镍钴铬钼钛铝耐热合金管(镍基、Co20、Cr20、Mo5.9、Ti2.1、Al0.5)规范 Specification for nickel-cobalt-chromium-molybdenum-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy cold worked solution treated seamless tubes (nickel base, Co 20, Cr 20, Mo 5.9, Ti 2.1, Al 0.5)
BS HR 505-1981 螺纹垫圈(最大直径2mm)用镍铬铁钛铌铝耐热合金圆线材(镍基、Cr15.5、Fe7.0、Ti2.5、N6/Ta0.95、Al0.70)规范 Specification for nickel-chromium-iron-titanium-niobium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy round wire for thread inserts (maximum diameter 2 mm) (nickel base, Cr 15.5, Fe 7.0, Ti 2.5, Nb/Ta 0.95, Al 0.70)
BS HR 506-1989 镍-铬-钴-钛-铝耐热合金线材:软化的(镍基、Cr19.5、Co1.8、Ti2.5、Al1.5)规范 Nickel-chromium-cobalt-titanium-aluminium heat-resisting alloy wire: softened (Nickel base, Cr 19.5, Co 18, Ti 2.5, Al 1.5)
BS HR 55-1980 镍-铁-铬-钼-铝-钛耐热合金坯锭、棒材、锻件和部件规范(Ni/Co43.5、Cr16.5、Mo3.3、 Al1.2、Ti1.2、剩余Fe) Specification for nickel-iron-chromium-molybdenum-aluminium-titanium heat-resisting alloy billets, bars, forgings and parts (Ni/Co 43.5, Cr 16.5, Mo 3. 3, Al 1.2, Ti 1.2, Fe remainder)
BS ISO 10081-1-2003 致密定型耐火制品的分类.硅酸铝 Classification of dense shaped refractory products - Alumina-silica
BS ISO 11846-1996 金属和合金的腐蚀.可溶液热处理的铝合金抗颗粒间腐蚀的测定 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Determination of resistance to intergranular corrosion of solution heat-treatable aluminium alloys
BS ISO 12103-2-1998 道路车辆.过滤器评估用试验粉尘.氧化铝试验粉尘 Road vehicles - Test dust for filter evaluation - Aluminium oxide test dust
BS ISO 12986-2-2005 铝生产用碳素材料.预焙阳极和阴极碳块.用四点法测定抗弯强度 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Prebaked anodes and cathode blocks - Determination of flexural strength by the four-point method
BS ISO 12987-2005 铝制品用碳质材料.阳极、阴极块、侧壁砖和烤灌糊.使用比较法测定热传导性 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium - Anodes, cathodes blocks, sidewall blocks and baked ramming pastes - Determination of the thermal conductivity using a comparative method
BS ISO 12988-2-2004 铝生产用含碳材料.焙烧阳极.对二氧化碳反应性的测定.热解重量分析法 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Baked anodes - Determination of the reactivity to carbon dioxide - Thermogravimetric method
BS ISO 12989-2-2005 铝生产用碳素材料.焙烧阳极和侧壁块.空气反应性的测定.热重分析法 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Baked anodes and sidewall blocks - Determination of the reactivity to air - Thermogravimetric method
BS ISO 13804-2000 铝用釉瓷和搪瓷.试件的制备 Vitreous and porcelain enamels for aluminium - Production of specimens for testing
BS ISO 13805-2000 铝用釉瓷和搪瓷.在电解溶液的作用下铝与搪瓷粘合性的测定. Vitreous and porcelain enamels for aluminium - Determination of the adhesion of enamels on aluminium under the action of electrolytic solution (spall test)
BS ISO 14420-2005 铝生产用含碳产品.焙烧阳极和成形碳产品.线性热膨胀系数的测定 Carbonaceous products for the production of aluminium - Baked anodes and shaped carbon products - Determination of the coefficient of linear thermal expansion
BS ISO 14427-2004 铝生产用含碳材料.冷和微热捣实糊料.非烤试验样品的制备和压实后表观密度的测定 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Cold and tepid ramming pastes - Preparation of unbaked test specimens and determination of apparent density after compaction
BS ISO 14428-2004 铝生产用含碳材料.冷和微温冲压浆料.烘烤时的膨胀/收缩 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium - Cold and tepid ramming pastes - Expansion/shrinkage during baking
BS ISO 14435-2006 铝生产用含碳材料.石油焦.用感应耦合等离子体原子发射光谱测定法测定痕量金属 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium - Petroleum coke - Determination of trace metals by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry
BS ISO 14788-2005 连续热浸镀锌5%铝合金涂层钢薄板 Continuous hot-dip zinc-5% aluminium alloy coated steel sheet
BS ISO 15329-2006 金属和合金的腐蚀.热处理铝合金的粒间腐蚀易感性评价的阳极试验 Corrosion of metals and alloys - Anodic test for evaluation of intergranular corrosion susceptibility of heat-treatable aluminium alloys
BS ISO 15379-1-2004 铝生产用含碳材料.阴极块材料.压力作用下由于钠渗透引起的膨胀的测定 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium - Cathode block materials - Determination of the expansion due to sodium penetration with application of pressure
BS ISO 15379-2-2004 铝生产用碳质材料.阴极块材料.无压力作用下由于钠渗透引起的膨胀的测定 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium - Cathode block materials - Determination of the expansion due to sodium penetration without application of pressure
BS ISO 15906-2007 铝生产用碳素材料.焙烧阳极.透气率测定 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium - Baked anodes - Determination of the air permeability
BS ISO 17499-2006 铝生产用碳质材料.测定用等效温度表示的烘烤等级 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Determination of baking level expressed by equivalent temperature
BS ISO 17500-2006 原铝生产用氧化铝.磨损指数测定 Aluminium oxide used for the production of primary aluminium - Determination of attrition index
BS ISO 17544-2004 铝生产用含碳材料.冷和微热捣实糊料.非烤糊料的可压实性测定 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Cold and tepid ramming pastes - Determination of rammability of unbaked pastes
BS ISO 17615-2007 铝和铝合金.重熔用合金铸锭.规范 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Alloyed ingots for remelting - Specifications
BS ISO 18515-2007 铝生产用碳素材料.阴极块和焙烧阳极.耐压强度测定 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium - Cathode blocks and baked anodes - Determination of compressive strength
BS ISO 20202-2004 铝生产用含碳材料.冷和微热捣实糊料.焙烧试样的制备和焙烤时损失的测定 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Cold and tepid ramming pastes - Preparation of baked test pieces and determination of loss on baking
BS ISO 20203-2006 铝生产用碳素材料.煅烧焦炭.用X射线衍射法测定煅烧石油焦炭的晶体粒度 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Calcined coke - Determination of crystallite size of calcined petroleum coke by X-ray diffraction
BS ISO 20703-2007 储气瓶.可再填充的焊接铝合金气瓶.设计、结构和试验 Gas cylinders - Refillable welded aluminium-alloy cylinders - Design, construction and testing
BS ISO 209-2007 铝和铝合金.化学成分 Aluminium and aluminium alloys - Chemical composition
BS ISO 21687-2007 铝生产用含碳材料.以氮作为分析气体的气体比重测量法(测定体积的)测定密度.固体材料 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Determination of density by gas pyknometry (volumetric) using helium as the analysis gas - Solid materials
BS ISO 22779-2006 金属镀层.物理蒸发沉淀铝镀层.规范和试验方法 Metallic coatings - Physical vapour-deposited coatings of aluminium - Specification and test methods
BS ISO 23202-2007 铝生产用氧化铝.测定通过20μm筛孔粒子 Aluminium oxide used for the production of aluminium - Determination of particles passing a 20 micrometre aperture sieve
BS ISO 2926-2005 主要用于铝生产的氧化铝.45 μm至150 μm范围内的粒度分析.电刻筛分法 Aluminium oxide used for the production of primary aluminium - Particle size analysis for the range 45 ?m to 150 ?m - Method using electroformed sieves
BS ISO 3620-1995 摄影技术.洗片化学制品.硫酸铝钾规范 Photography - Processing chemicals - Specifications for aluminium potassium sulfate
BS ISO 4688-1-2006 铁矿石.铝的测定.火焰原子吸收光谱测量法 Iron ores - Determination of aluminium - Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method
BS ISO 5832-14-2009 外科植入物.金属材料.锻造钛15-钼5-锆3-铝合金 Implants for surgery - Metallic materials - Wrought titanium 15-molybdenum 5-zirconium 3-aluminium alloy
BS ISO 5940-2-2007 铝生产用碳素材料.电极用硬沥青.软化点的测定(梅特勒软化点法) Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Pitch for electrodes - Determination of the softening point (Mettler softening point method)
BS ISO 8005-2006 铝生产用碳素材料.生焦炭和煅烧焦炭.灰分含量的测定 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Green and calcined coke - Determination of ash content
BS ISO 8007-3-2005 铝生产用碳素材料.单个材料的取样方案和取样.侧壁块 Carbonaceous materials used in the production of aluminium - Sampling plans and sampling from individual units - Sidewall blocks
BS ISO 8008-2006 主要用于铝生产的氧化铝.用氮吸收法测定表面吸附指数 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium - Determination of specific surface area by nitrogen adsorption
BS ISO 806-2004 主要用于铝生产的氧化铝.在300鳦和1000鳦时质量损失的测定 Aluminium oxide primarily used for the production of aluminium - Determination of loss of mass at 300 ?C and 1 000 ?C
BS ISO 9285-1997 磨料颗粒和粗料.熔化氧化铝的化学分析 Abrasive grains and crude - Chemical analysis of fused aluminium oxide
BS L 103-1971 铝-铜-镁-硅-锰合金(室温溶解处理和老化)锻坯和锻件规范(Cu 4.4、Mg 0.5、Si 0.7、Mn 0.8) Specification for forging stock and forgings of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.7, Mn 0. 8)
BS L 105-1971 铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.7)-锰(0.8)合金管材规范(固溶处理和室温效)(壁厚度小于10mm) Specification for tube of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature) (not exceeding 10 mm wall thickness) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.7, Mn 0.8)
BS L 109-1971 铝-铜(4.4)-镁(1.5)-锰(0.6)合金铝涂层薄板和带材规范(溶液处理和室温时效) Specification for aluminium-coated sheet and strip of aluminium-copper-magnesium-manganese alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4.4, Mg 1.5, Mn 0.6)
BS L 110-1971 铝-铜(4.4)-镁(1.5)-锰(0.6)合金铝涂层薄板材和带材规范(由用户进行溶液处理) Specification for aluminium-coated sheet and strip of aluminium-copper-magnesium-manganese alloy (supplied for solution treatment by the user) (Cu 4.4, Mg 1.5, Mn 0.6)
BS L 112-1971 铝-镁(0.8)-硅(1)-锰(0.7)合金锻坯和锻件规范(溶液处理和沉淀处理)(适用于焊接) Specification for forging stock and forgings of aluminium-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (suitable for welding) (Mg 0.8, Si 1, Mn 0.7)
BS L 113-1971 铝-镁(0.8)-硅(1)-锰(0.7)合金薄板材和带材规范(溶液处理和沉淀处理)(适用于焊接) Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (suitable for welding) (Mg 0.8, Si 1, Mn 0.7)
BS L 114-1971 铝-镁(0.8)硅(1)-锰(0.7)合金管规范(溶液处理和沉淀处理)(壁厚度小于10mm)(适用于焊接) Specification for tube of aluminium-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and precipitation treated) (not exceeding 10 mm wall thickness) (suitable for welding) (Mg 0.8, Si 1, Mn 0.7)
BS L 115-1971 铝-镁(0.8)硅(1)-锰(0.7)合金板规范(溶液处理,拉伸控制及沉淀处理)(厚度小于25mm)(适用于焊接) Specification for plate of aluminium-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated, controlled stretched and precipitation treated) (not exceeding 25 mm thickness) (suitable for welding) (Mg 0.8, Si 1, Mn 0.7)
BS L 117-1975 铝-镁(1.0)-硅(0.6)-铜(0.28)-铬(0.2)合金管规范(溶液处理和人工时效:未经液压试验)(厚度小于10mm) Specification for tube of aluminium-magnesium-silicon-copper-chromium alloy (solution treated and artificially aged: not tested hydraulically) (not exceeding 10 mm thickness) (Mg 1.0, Si 0.6, Cu 0.28, Cr 0.2)
BS L 118-1975 铝-镁(1.0)-硅(0.6)-铜(0.28)-铬(0.2)合金管规范(溶液处理和人工时效:液压试验)(壁厚度小于10mm) Specification for tube of aluminium-magnesium-silicon-copper-chromium alloy (solution treated and artificially aged: tested hydraulically) (not exceeding 10 mm thickness) (Mg 1.0, Si 0.6, Cu 0.28, Cr 0.2)
BS L 119-1975 铝-铜(5.0)-镍(1.5)-锰(0.5)-钛(0.2)-锆(0.2)-钴(0.2)-锑(0.2)合金铸锭和铸件规范(溶液处理和人工时效) Specification for ingots and castings of aluminium-copper-nickel-manganese-titanium-zirconium-cobalt-antimony alloy (solution treated and artificially aged) (Cu 5.0, Ni 1.5, Mn 0.25, Ti 0.2, Zr 0.2, Co 0.2, Sb 0.2)
BS L 154-1977 铝-铜(4)-硅(1)合金铸锭和铸件规范(溶液处理和室温时效) Specification for ingots and castings of aluminium-copper-silicon alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4, Si 1)
BS L 155-1977 铝-铜(4)-硅(1)合金铸锭和铸件规范(溶液处理和人工时效) Specification for ingots and castings of aluminium-copper-silicon alloy (solution treated and artificially aged) (Cu 4, Si 1)
BS L 158-1978 铝-铜-镁-硅-锰合金(室温溶解处理和老化)紧公差薄板材和带材规范(Cu 4.4、Mg 0.5、Si 0.8、Mn 0.8) Specification for close toleranced sheet and strip of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.8, Mn 0. 8)
BS L 159-1978 铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.8)-锰(0.8)合金紧公差薄板材和带材规范(溶液处理和人工时效) Specification for close toleranced sheet and strip of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and artificially aged) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.8, Mn 0.8)
BS L 161-1976 规范.铝-锌(5.6)-镁(2.5)-铜(1.6)-锆(0.22)合金手工锻件和模压锻件(溶液处理和人工时效至过老化条件) Specification - Hand and die forgings of aluminium-zinc-magnesium-copper-chromium alloy (solution treated and artificially aged to an overaged condition) (Zn 5.6, Mg 2.5, Cu 1.6, Cr 0.22)
BS L 162-1976 规范.铝-锌(5.6)-镁(2.5)-铜(1.6)-铬(0.22)合金冷压手工锻件(溶液处理和人工时效至过老化条件) Specification - Cold compressed hand forgings of aluminium-zinc-magnesium-copper-chromium alloy (solution treated and artificially aged to an overaged condition) (Zn 5.6, Mg 2.5, Cu 1.6, Cr 0.22)
BS L 163-1978 铝涂层铝-铜-镁-硅-锰合金薄板材和带材规范(溶液处理、冷加工压平和室温老化)(Cu 4.4、Mg 0.5、Si 0.8、Mn Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-coated aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated, cold worked for flattening and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.8, Mn 0.8)
BS L 164-1978 铝涂层的铝-铜-镁-硅-锰合金(室温溶解处理和老化)薄板材和带材规范(Cu 4.4、Mg 0.5、Si 0.8、Mn 0.8) Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-coated aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.8, Mn 0. 8)
BS L 165-1978 铝涂层铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.8)-锰(0.8)合金薄板材和带材规范(固溶处理和人工时效的) Specification for sheet and strip of aluminium-coated aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and artificially aged) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.8, Mn 0.8)
BS L 166-1978 铝涂层铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.8)-锰(0.8)合金紧公差薄板材和带材规范(溶液处理和室温时效) Specification for close toleranced sheet and strip of aluminium-coated aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and aged at room temperature) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.8, Mn 0.8)
BS L 167-1978 铝-镀铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.8)-锰合金紧公差薄板材和带材规范(固溶处理和人工时效的) Specification for close toleranced sheet and strip of aluminium-coated aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and artificially aged) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.8, Mn 0.8)
BS L 168-1978 铝-铜(4.4)-镁(0.5)-硅(0.7)-锰(0.8)合金棒材和挤压型材规范(固溶处理和人工时效)(直径不超过200mm或较小的 Specification for bars and extruded sections of aluminium-copper-magnesium-silicon-manganese alloy (solution treated and artificially aged) (not exceeding 200 mm diameter or minor sectional dimension) (Cu 4.4, Mg 0.5, Si 0.7, Mn 0.8)
BS L 170-1989 铝-锌-铜-铬合金挤压棒材和型材用规范(溶解处理、受控拉伸和人工时效)(直径或较小截面尺寸小于150mm)(Zn 5. Specification for extruded bars and sections of aluminium-zinc-copper-chromium alloy (solution treated, controlled stretched and artificially aged) (not exceeding 150 mm diameter or minor sectional dimension) (Zn 5.6, Mg 2.5, Cu 1.6, Cr 0.23) (7075)
BS L 171-1990 铝-锌(5.7)-镁(2.5)-锰(0.5)-铜(0.5)合金锻件规范(锻件或经过退火随后热处理锻件)(直径或较小截面尺寸小于1 Specification for forging of aluminium-zinc-magnesium-manganese-copper alloy (supplied as-forged or annealed for subsequent heat treatment) (not exceeding 150 mm diameter or minor sectional dimension) (Zn 5.7, Mg 2.7, Mn 0.5, Cu 0.5) (7014)
BS L 172-1989 铝-锌-镁-锰-铜合金挤压、轧制或铸锻坯用规范(BS L 171锻件制造用)(Zn5.7、Mg2.7、Mn0.5、Cu0.5)(7014) Specification for extruded, rolled or cast forging stock of aluminium-zinc-magnesium-manganese-copper alloy (for manufacture of forgings to BS L 171) (Zn 5.7, Mg 2.7, Mn 0.5, Cu 0.5) (7014)
BS L 173-1991 冷铸用铝-硅-镁合金铸件规范.(过量条件下溶液处理和沉淀处理(T7)) Specification for castings of aluminium-silicon-magnesium alloy, chill cast (solution treated and precipitation treated to an overaged (T7) condition)
BS L 174-1991 砂型铸造用铝-硅-镁合金铸件规范(过量条件下溶液处理和沉淀处理(T7)) Specification for castings of aluminium-silicon-magnesium alloy, sand cast (solution treated and precipitation treated to an overaged (T7) condition)
BS L 512-1973 镁-铝(6.0)-锌(1.0)合金棒材和挤压型材规范(直径不超过150mm或较小截面尺寸) Specification for bars and extruded sections of magnesium-6% aluminium-zinc alloy (not exceeding 150 mm diameter or minor sectional dimension) (Al 6.0, Zn 1.0)
BS L 513-1973 镁-铝(6.0)-锌(1.0)合金锻坯和锻件规范 Specification for forging stock and forgings of magnesium-6% aluminium-zinc alloy (Al 6.0, Zn 1.0)
BS MA 78-1978 铝制靠岸跳板规范 Specification for aluminium shore gangways
BS QC 300301-1993 电子元器件质量评估协调体系规范.空白详细规范.电子设备用固定电容器.非固体电解质铝电解质电容器.评估等级 Specification for harmonized system of quality assessment for electronic components - Blank detail specification - Fixed capacitors for use in electronic equipment - Aluminium electrolytic capacitors with non-solid electrolyte - Assessment level E
BS S 206-1999 铬镍铝耐腐蚀钢(沉淀硬化)棒材、冷拉线材和弹簧 Chromium-nickel-aluminium corrosion resisting steel (precipitation hardening) rod, cold drawn wire and springs
BS SP 172-1999 铝或铝合金实心铆钉.采购规范 Rivets, solid, in aluminium or aluminium alloys - Procurement specification
BS SP 65-1955 航空用铝合金锥形销规范 Specification for aluminium alloy taper pins for aeronautical purposes
BS TA 38-1971 机加工用钛-铝-钼-锡-硅-碳合金棒材规范(抗拉强度1250-1420牛顿/平方毫米)(限定控制剖面25mm) Specification for bar for machining of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon-carbon alloy (tensile strength 1250-1420 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section 25 mm)
BS TA 39-1971 钛-铝-钼-锡-硅-碳合金锻坯规范(抗拉强度1250-1420牛顿/平方毫米)(限定控制剖面25mm) Specification for forging stock of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon-carbon alloy (tensile strength 1250-1420 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section 25 mm)
BS TA 40-1971 机加工用钛-铝-钼-锡-硅-碳合金棒材规范(抗拉强度1205-1375牛顿/平方毫米)(限定控制剖面大于25mm,达到并含7 Specification for bar for machining of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon-carbon alloy (tensile strength 1205-1375 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section over 25 mm up to and including 75 mm)
BS TA 41-1971 钛铝钼锡硅碳合金锻坯规范(抗拉强度1205-1375牛顿/平方毫米)(限定控制剖面大于25mm,达到并含75mm) Specification for forging stock of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon-carbon alloy (tensile strength 1205-1375 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section over 25 mm up to and including 75 mm)
BS TA 42-1971 钛-铝-钼-锡-硅-碳合金锻件规范(抗拉强度1205-1375牛顿/平方毫米)(限定控制剖面大于25mm,达到并含75mm) Specification for forgings of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon-carbon alloy (tensile strength 1205-1375 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section over 25 mm up to and including 75 mm)
BS TA 43-1972 钛-铝-锆-钼-硅合金锻坯规范(抗拉强度990-1140牛顿/平方毫米)(限定控制剖面65mm) Specification for forging stock of titanium-aluminium-zirconium-molybdenum-silicon alloy (tensile strength 990-1140 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section 65 mm)
BS TA 44-1972 钛-铝-锆-钼-硅合金锻件规范(抗拉强度990-1140牛顿/平方毫米)(限定控制剖面65mm) Specification for forgings of titanium-aluminium-zirconium-molybdenum-silicon alloy (tensile strength 990-1140 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section 65 mm)
BS TA 45-1973 机加工用钛铝钼锡硅合金棒材和型材规范(抗拉强度1100-1280 N/mm<上标2>)(限定等圆断面25mm) Specification for bar and section for machining of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon alloy (tensile strength 1100-1280 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section 25 mm)
BS TA 46-1973 机加工用钛铝钼锡硅合金棒材和型材规范(抗拉强度1050-1220 N/mm<上标2>)(限定等圆断面25mm以上100mm以下(含 Specification for bar and section for machining of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon alloy (tensile strength 1050-1220 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section over 25 mm up to and including 100 mm)
BS TA 47-1973 钛铝钼锡硅合金锻坯规范(抗拉强度1050-1220 N/mm<上标2>)(限定等圆断面100mm) Specification for forging stock of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon alloy (tensile strength 1050-1220 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section 100 mm)
BS TA 48-1973 钛铝钼锡硅合金锻件规范(抗拉强度1050-1200 N/mm<上标2>)(限定等圆断面100mm) Specification for forgings of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon alloy (tensile strength 1050-1200 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section 100 mm)
BS TA 49-1973 钛铝钼锡硅合金棒材和型材规范(抗拉强度1000-1200 N/mm<上标2>)(极限等圆截面100mm以上150mm以下(含150mm)) Specification for bar and section for machining of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon alloy (tensile strength 1000-1200 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section over 100 mm up to and including 150 mm)
BS TA 50-1973 钛铝钼锡硅合金锻坯规范(抗拉强度1000-1200 N/mm<上标2>)(限定等圆断面100mm以上150mm以下(含150mm)) Specification for forging stock of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon alloy (tensile strength 1000-1200 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section over 100 mm up to and including 150 mm)
BS TA 51-1973 钛铝钼锡硅合金锻件规范(抗拉强度1000-1200 N/mm<上标2>)(限定等圆断面100mm以上150mm以下(含150mm)) Specification for forgings of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon alloy (tensile strength 1000-1200 N/mm2) (limiting ruling section over 100 mm up to and including 150 mm)
BS TA 56-1974 钛-铝-钒合金板材规范(抗拉强度895-1150MPa)(最大厚度100mm) Specification for plate of titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (tensile strength 895-1150 MPa) (maximum thickness 100 mm)
BS TA 57-1974 钛-铝-钼-锡-硅合金板材规范(抗拉强度1030-1220MPa)(最大厚度65mm) Specification for plate of titanium-aluminium-molybdenum-tin-silicon alloy (tensile strength 1030-1220 MPa) (maximum thickness 65 mm)
BS TA 59-1980 钛-铝-钒合金板材和带材规范(抗拉强度920-1180MPa) Specification for sheet and strip of titanium-aluminium-vanadium alloy (tensile strength 920 MPa to 1180 MPa)
BSEN60317-0-3-1998 特种绕组线规范.一般要求.漆包圆铝线 Specifications for particular types of winding wires - General requirements - Enamelled round aluminium wire
CP 143-1-1958 薄板屋顶和墙面覆料实用规程.波纹和槽形铝材 Code of practice for sheet roof and wall coverings. Aluminium, corrugated and troughed
CP 143-15-1973 薄板屋顶和墙覆料实施规程.铝.米制单位 Code of practice for sheet roof and wall coverings. Code of practice for sheet roof and wall coverings. Aluminium. Metric units
DD 139-1986 锌铝合金锭和铸件规范 Specification for zinc-aluminium alloy ingots and castings
DD ENV 725-4-1994 高技术陶瓷.陶瓷粉末试验方法.用X射线荧光光谱分析法对氮化铝氧含量的测定 Advanced technical ceramics. Methods of test for ceramic powders. Determination of oxygen content in aluminium nitride by XRF analysis
KT 1-1999 铝和铝合金 Aluminium and aluminium alloys
NA to BS EN 1999-1-1-2007 欧洲法规9的英国国家附录.铝结构的设计.通用结构规则 UK National Annex to Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures - General structural rules
NA to BS EN 1999-1-3-2007 欧洲法规9的英国国家附录.铝结构的设计.易疲劳的结构 UK National Annex to Eurocode 9. Design of aluminium structures - Structures susceptible to fatigue
PD IEC 61394-2001 架空线.铝、铝合金和钢裸导线用润滑脂的特性 Overhead lines. Characteristics of greases for aluminium, aluminium alloy and steel bare conductors
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