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品牌: 金纬
铝卷基材: 5052-H32
表面处理: 卷料阳极氧化 / 普通阳极氧化
铝板厚度: 0.3-3.0mm
单价: 面议
起订: 1 吨
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 25 天内发货
所在地: 全国
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2020-12-30 07:59
浏览次数: 1460

阳极氧化铝卷 / 阳极氧化铝板产品信息

表面处理:卷料阳极氧化 / 连续阳极氧化
表面纹路:缎面 / 拉丝 / 压花 / 喷砂
铝板宽度: 1220mm / 1250mm / 1310mm / 1520mm * C
氧化膜厚度: 3μm-15μm

What is anodized aluminum?


Anodizing is through the electrochemical method to generate a thick inorganic oxide layer on the surface of aluminum. While perfectly retain the metallic texture of aluminum, it also giving a better protection to the metal underlying from physical damage and chemical corrosion and the oxide layer will not fall off.


Zhaoqing Jinwei aluminum profile co., ltd. is one of the few manufacturers of continuous anodizing production line, and also we introduced batch anodizing production equipment, to provide clients with a wide range of services.

Benefits of anodized aluminum:

(1) 阳极氧化铝单板抗污性强:易于清洁,简于维护,不留手印,不会有污点痕迹,不产生腐蚀斑点。

* Stain resistance: The oxide film is easy and safe to clean with solvents, anti-fingerprint ability, no corrosion spot, which results in low maintenance costs.

(2) 阳极氧化铝单板耐候性好:标准厚度氧化膜(3μm)的阳极氧化铝单板室内使用长期不褪色,不腐蚀,不氧化,不生锈。加厚氧化膜(15μm)的阳极氧化铝单板可使用于室外,可长期暴露于太阳光线下不褪色,使用寿命长。

* Durability: The oxide film protects the metal from corrosion and abrasion over the long term. It is also self-healing if damaged, as the aluminum will naturally create a protective oxide layer wherever it is exposed to the elements. Anodized aluminum can be used both indoors and outdoors, it displays excellent long term resistance to sunlight, performs great longevity.

(3) 阳极氧化铝单板金属感强:经阳极处理的铝单板表面硬度高,达宝石级,重量轻,抗刮性好,表面无油漆覆盖,保留铝板金属色泽,突出现代金属感,提高产品档次和附加值。

* Aesthetics: The oxide film is anti-scratching, and surface hardness up to the grade of sapphire. Anodizing offers a large number of color alternatives, while allowing the metallic appearance of the aluminum to show through, it is a very cost-effective value compared to other finishing methods.

(4) 阳极氧化铝单板防火性高:金属制品,阳极氧化铝单板表面无油漆和任何化工物质,高温不燃烧,不产生有毒气体,符合消防环保要求,可全部回收再利用,有利环境,且回收价值更高。

* Environment, health and safety: Anodizing is favorable towards current environmental regulations because it is one of the most environmentally friendly industrial processes and is typically not harmful to human health. An anodized finish is chemically stable, will not decompose, is nontoxic, and is heat-resistant to the melting point of aluminum. Since the anodizing process is a reinforcement of a naturally occurring oxide process, it is non-hazardous and produces no harmful or dangerous by-products. Chemical baths used in the anodizing process often are reclaimed, recycled, and reused.

(5) 阳极氧化铝单板加工性好:阳级氧化铝单板装饰性强,硬度适中,可轻易折弯成型,加工成平面、弧型和球面等各种复杂几何形状的成品,或进行连续性高速冲压,方便直接加工成产品,无需再进行复杂的表面处理,大大减短产品生产周期和降低产品生产成本。

* Strength and flexibility: Anodized aluminum allows design professionals to build lighter structures with more stability and greater design flexibility. This can minimize expenditures on foundations and structural support elements, thereby reducing overall costs and time.


* Installation: Easy to install after shaping.

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阳极氧化铝板的应用范围,广东阳极氧化铝卷铝板生产厂家 阳极氧化铝卷幕墙铝板,阳极氧化铝板包柱铝单板,铝天花板材料 5052拉丝阳极氧化铝卷板 阳极氧化表面处理加工厂

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