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日期:2011-12-30     点击:1393    查看原图


    回首过去,永利坚铝业脚踏实地,走过了她不平凡的26;展望未来,永利坚人信心百倍,肩负的是更多的使命与社会责任。26年出口品质保证,相信咱们做得更好!永利坚”铝材,争创中国铝型材行业悠久品牌!现诚招:港、澳、台及海内外各省\市房地产开发公司、铝型材出口贸易公司、国外铝型材客商、铝型材出口商、建筑装饰工程公司、幕墙门窗工程公司、幕墙门窗加工厂、工程铝型材代理商等。与您携手,共赢市场!额满为止。电话:0757-88806516; 15019675924。联系人:朱经理。欢迎新老客户来厂参观考察。祝好!
56视频(公司CD):  http://www.56.com/u18/v_NjExNjY3ODM.html  
慧聪网址:   http://740646249.b2b.hc360.com/
公司Q空间网址:  http://740646249.qzone.qq.com
Established in September 1986, Yong Li Jian Aluminium Company Ltd. (YongLiJian) has been growing to be one of the large-scale aluminium extrusion companies in southern China. Its extrusion production capacity has now run to 25000 metric tones yearly and its billet production is now up to 40000 metric tones.

With its on going quality improvement and talented management team, Yong Li Jian won its reputation that it was awarded with official certificate of consumer choice as well as certificate for top design of the aluminium curtain wall system.

In order to pursue the policy of market orientation and to better response to the customer, Yong Li Jian built its new factory in Cang Jiang Industrial district of GaoMing Foshan Guangdong by acquiring a land of area up to 300 acres in 2004. The expansion strategy aims to improving the production ability by increasing the variety of production lines, namely 10 extruding lines, 2 anodizing workshop, 1powder coated line, 1 heat transfer imitated wood line and 1 thermal break insulating line.

Relying on the well equipped 1000 labour force and 150 talented management personnel, our products range to 130 categories and over 1000 specification and quality standards conform to the international requirements link GB5237.1-5237.6-2004, JISH4100, JISH8601, JISH8602, AAMA2603, AAMA2604, AAMA2605 and BS6496.

Yong Li Jian aluminium Co., Ltd. Strongly believes the success is rooted with fast response to the customer, quality improving policy, skilled human resources and sophisticated product development.(TEL:86-0757-88806516;86-15019675924,Mr.Zhu)。


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