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收藏  |   举报 2010-09-10 15:08   关注:2473   回答:2


已解决 悬赏分:0 - 解决时间 2010-09-14 17:51
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这是ANSI H35.1的解释,国内大多沿袭该标准。我翻译了一点,但是我觉得还是看原文对理解有帮助!The first digit following the H indicates the specific combination of basic operations, as follows:H后边第一个数字表明基体中的特殊化合物,如下:H1 strain-hardened only. Applies to products that are strain-hardened to obtain the desired strength without supplementary thermal treatment. The number following this designation indicates the degree of strain-hardening.H1 应变硬化 指经过仅应变硬化无其他附带热处理获得设计强度的产品状态。该符号后续的数字表示应变硬化的程度。H2 strain-hardened and partially annealed. Applies to products that are strain-hardened more than the desired final amount and then reduced in strength to the desired level by partial annealing. For alloys that age-soften at room temperature, the H2 tempers have the same minimum ultimate tensile strength as the corresponding H3 tempers. For other alloys, the H2 tempers have the same minimum ultimate tensile strength as the corresponding H1 tempers and slightly higher elongation. The number following this designation indicates the degree of strain-hardening remaining after the product has been partially annealed.H2 应变硬化加不完全回火 指经过应变硬化后再经不完全回火调整降低强度以得到设计强度的产品状态。对于室温下柔性合金,H2状态有与H3状态相同的极限抗拉强度。对于其他合金,H2状态有与H1状态相同的极限抗拉强度和稍高的延伸率。该符号后续的数字表示经过不完全回火后的应变硬化程度。
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举报 2010-09-10 15:44
H3 strain-hardened and stabilized. Applies to products that are strain-hardened and whose mechanical properties are stabilized either by a low temperature thermal treatment or as a result of heat introduced during fabrication. Stabilization usually improves ductility. This designation is applicable only to those alloys that, unless stabilized, gradually age-soften at room temperature. The number following this designation indicates the degree of strain hardening remaining after the stabilization treatment.H4 strain-hardened and lacquered or painted. Applies to products which are strain-hardened and which are subjected to some thermal operation during the subsequent painting or lacquering operation. The number following this designation indicates the degree of strain-hardening remaining after the product has been thermally treated, as part of painting/lacquering cure operation. The corresponding H2X or H3X mechanical property limits apply

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